Brexit thread - what happens next

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7 Feb 2015
South West
Showing quite a bit of ignorance. The world is trading against and out of us now, not London doing it! How do you not understand this?

How is it ignorant? it is the truth, people with money are always causing the biggest problems for countries. And waiting to see what the government would do after the vote would have been the sensible thing that should have been done. And i never said it was all london's doing.
17 Oct 2002
Our economy in ruin just so we shed a few EU laws, but not all of them...but still give them the money we were giving them and still have freedom of movement.

This whole thing is truly unbelievable.

I'd take it over the alternatives.

In-fact can we put lord bojo in his throne tomorrow and make it official government policy so the markets can stop beating on us.
7 Feb 2015
South West
What economy? We have a single sector, finance, propping up the countries GDP. What have the gov done in the last 20 years to address this? Why is there no economy being lost in the north? Because there wasn't one. We just serviced the rich people from London. That's a stank economy.

the pound is low. Our exports should now be booming! But we have nothing. Jist a retail sector that sells via the trickle down effect from London.

it's an awful way to realise it but now it will have to be fixed.

Pretty much sums up how the london centric view the government has kept for the past 20+ years has depressed the rest of the country.
1 Mar 2010
Wow, just wow -

"The majority of the UK's 650 MPs were in favour of Britain staying in the EU and while they will have to respect the will of the British people, they will not be silent bystanders. There have already been moves among the 450 or so MPs who want to stay in the EU, across the Labour, Conservative, SNP, Plaid Cymru and Green parties, to keep the UK in the single market in any exit negotiations.

This, dubbed "reverse Maastricht", would mean Britain would have to keep its borders open to EU workers and continue paying into EU coffers - which is likely to be unacceptable to most of the 17 million people who voted Leave in the referendum.

They say it would be legitimate for MPs to do this because the Leave campaign has refused to spell out what trading relationship it wants the UK to have with the EU in the future - and it would demonstrate the sovereignty of Parliament the Leavers were so keen to restore."

Our economy in ruin just so we shed a few EU laws, but not all of them...but still give them the money we were and still have freedom of movement.

This whole this is truly unbelievable.

The best bit of this, would be the Norway-style meetings where our un-elected bureaucrats are told by their un-elected bureaucrats what swathes of legislation to implement next, at regular intervals, as it gets passed EU-wide.
11 Aug 2009
How is it ignorant? it is the truth, people with money are always causing the biggest problems for countries. And waiting to see what the government would do after the vote would have been the sensible thing that should have been done. And i never said it was all london's doing.

Sorry, who are these people who should have waited to see what the government did?
20 Aug 2006
if you were given a recommendation on a horse to bet

the race is half way round

you see clearly it is last and limping

would you bet your house on it ?

thats how I see Article 50
23 Oct 2002
I can see the next General Election being a tough one, everybody is predicting a Tory shift to the right.

If Corbyn stays then we have Labour way to the left, who is going to hold the middle ground?

If Corbyn is gone then what do we end up with, another incarnation of New Labour?

Have you not noticed that Corbyn can hardly keep an opposition front bench. The chances of

then we have Labour way to the left

are so remote they are laughable. It would be a Blairite type but that is remote because Scotland won't vote Labour.
1 Mar 2010
Maybe it's just a really long term economic plan?

Conveniently placed far enough into the future so as to absolve all stakeholders of the responsibility for it. Grand. Truly grand. Them youngsters need a kick up the bum, you see! Sigh. I'm re-watching the select committee meetings regarding this, and it's just like EastEnders at this stage -- max schadenfreude.
20 May 2007
The best bit of this, would be the Norway-style meetings where our un-elected bureaucrats are told by their un-elected bureaucrats what swathes of legislation to implement next, at regular intervals, as it gets passed EU-wide.

Yup, with no say or veto on any of it.

How is this ANY better!

i don't normally get this angry at politics but this whole mess has me incensed.
6 Sep 2011
I'm pretty sick of hearing project fear to be honest. But keep towing the line.

really.... do you believe everything farage tells you?? If he **** on a plate in front of you and said eat it, youll love the taste.... would you believe him?

Do you not see that all the money has gone already, that £350 million magic figure was lower, that the credit raiting has been downgraded, that we will be paying higher interest rates, and the cost of living has gone up?

and your still calling it project fear. Do you believe that he said we was heading for recession and this was the not the fault of brexit. do you believe that the downgrade wasnt because of brexit too?
12 Nov 2015
Have you not noticed that Corbyn can hardly keep an opposition front bench. The chances of

are so remote they are laughable. It would be a Blairite type but that is remote because Scotland won't vote Labour.

Yeah a Blairite Labour would unite the country, if we could just start an ill advised war now that would really help. :)
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