Brexit thread - what happens next

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30 Sep 2008
Have you not noticed that Corbyn can hardly keep an opposition front bench. The chances of

are so remote they are laughable. It would be a Blairite type but that is remote because Scotland won't vote Labour.

Thats what I mean, if Corbyn does somehow manage to hold on then the resulting Labour party is going to be so far to the left they're going to be referring to eachother as Comerade.

So we end up with a reincarnation of Blairs new labour, which I can't see garnering that much support.

Leaves a big gap for either the Lib Dems to exploit, or god help us all a rally from UKIP.

I just can't imagine what the political climate is going to look like!
10 May 2012
if you were given a recommendation on a horse to bet

the race is half way round

you see clearly it is last and limping

would you bet your house on it ?

thats how I see Article 50

Yeah that's a great analogy apart from the race is 2.5 miles and we aren't even out of the starting blocks, and you're wanting to take the bet back because the horse is looking a little jittery like everyone said it would
11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
Project fear is project reality now. The world, or project fear as you call it is talking with their money.

Don't get me wrong. You've caught me out of context - was meant to have quoted another poster.

I'm sick of project fear being used to label anything the leave lot don't like to hear - even while it's actually happening. Keeping their heads in the sand when it comes to finances while salivating over increased sovereignty.

They've given rise to the far right while destroying the economy. No wonder they're celebrating. At least I think they're celebrating.

Don't worry though because in 5 years it will all be fine. Fact.
29 Jul 2010
Hey guys how's that long term economic plan working out?

To be fair, that's not a valid question, but the short term economy is certainly going as predicted.

It's very easy to say the words 'short term pain for long term gain' until you have to go through the reality of that pain.
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
The economy wasn't broken by the Tories, it was broken by the public.

No, this is almost entirely the Tory's fault. They've spent the past decade talking up immigration as a problem, and using the EU as a scapegoat. Cameron, rather than taking on the Euroskeptics in his party has spent the last ten years throwing them bones in a futile attempt to keep them happy. Then, having buckled to the pressure to promise a referendum, rather than making preparations to win it, he decided it would be a great idea to pretend to make his backing of Remain dependent on negotiating reforms that he'd completely failed to spend his premiership preparing for, or building alliances for. Finally, he decided it would be a great idea to pull the trigger on the referendum at a bad time and fought a poor campaign. Then other Tories stepped up to the plate to really put the knife into the UK; there is something to be said for Gove, IDS and Hannan - at least they actually believed in Leave - but Boris decided to join the Leave campaign purely out of political ambition.

This is a disaster created, gift-wrapped, and delivered by the Tories.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Thats what I mean, if Corbyn does somehow manage to hold on then the resulting Labour party is going to be so far to the left they're going to be referring to eachother as Comerade.

So we end up with a reincarnation of Blairs new labour, which I can't see garnering that much support.

Leaves a big gap for either the Lib Dems to exploit, or god help us all a rally from UKIP.

I just can't imagine what the political climate is going to look like!

Worries me that the political turmoil and knee jerk electorate reactions could actually flip the other way and put Corbyn in power... a man who believes in the institution of things rather than the people that make it up - which is sadly lost on many people who think he actually has their best interests at heart.
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