Brexit thread - what happens next

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12 Nov 2015
I hope this thread gets archived. Some of these posts will be even more hilariously melodramatic in 5 years when everything’s fine.

I hope it's great in 5 years but I could do without 5 years of recession also, can you promise this as the leave campaigners are awfully quiet.
30 Nov 2005
We're better protected against a TTIP-style agreement from within the EU, tbh. Most of the other countries are against it. Not so much the Tories, who will most likely be in charge when it's time to renegotiate our trade agreement with the USA.

I agree most are, but not the tories. But it's still there & a risk. A new trade deal will be smaller in scope as it's just two countries & will be better publicised.

No. It would just be another trade deal that has passed during a Parliament, why would they consult the electorate this time?

because I doubt the NHS would be included given the objection to it. A government adding the NHS into a deal against the will of the whole nation will have a difficult time getting elected next time round.

Well don't vote Conservative then.

More chance of Spitfires racing past dropping buttered crumpets tbh :)
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
Lost my job in early 2009. Didn't get another until late 2010. Lost my savings, car, and most of my possessions that were worth anything. I felt the recession plenty hard enough and yet I still voted to remain. I do not want to have to go through those years again and yet it seems that that is the course we have set.
Immigration has never been an issue to me. I don't see them as immigrants, just people. I've lived around the Reading area for the last 20 years which has one of the largest Polish communities in the UK.

It was a severe crash.

What do you think the Pakistan/Bangladeshi/polish etc % population is of Dave Cameron's home town?

How many refugees do you think they take in West Oxfordshire?
11 Aug 2009
yes, London, the most affluent place in the country due to continued London centric government.

Whitechapel - immigration central for centuries and centuries, the last area at the edge of the City to resist full gentrification. We've got true diversity here now and against a Leave vote.
1 Mar 2010
Hopefully a more right wing Tory party

tougher on welfare and similar spending

tbh we'll have to - there will be so little money left

Yes, there's still that double deficit to worry about, and the cost of servicing our debts shall rise also. Great. Simply wonderful stuff. I need to buy stakes in Brand Britain pronto!
7 Feb 2015
South West
I don't think you read my post, the less affluent have forced Brexit causing possible economic collapse. You're telling me they did it because they have first hand experience of recession?

The less affluent have not caused anything, they voted on an issue. it is in fact and always has been the people with money that caused the 2009 crash and the issues now. We are still in the EU as it stands yet the Knee jerking and extreme reactions from a vote is causing issues all around the world.

If they just traded as usual and waited to see how government played out with the referendum, then things wouldn't be how they are today.
11 Oct 2004
Credit rating downgraded, thus causing the country to pay billions in extra interest.

I guess this firmly puts to bed the notion that the Tories can be trusted with the economy. The one nation Tories that I know are fuming.
11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
I hope this thread gets archived. Some of these posts will be even more hilariously melodramatic in 5 years when everything’s fine.

5 years this, or 2 years that. 5 years can feel like a lifetime in the climate we're most likely facing. We've just been through years of dismal austerity - and who's to say it will be 5 years? Leave have basically voted in a recession without a plan on how to deal with it. Without a plan at all.

This could have gone 2 ways. The EU could have been pragmatic, and thought OK - the Brits want to leave. Lets see how we can work this through or it could have been a case of pack your bags and leave.

Clearly the latter suits the likes of Merkel and Hollande. This is a problem.

On observation - those on here moaning are doing so because of what is actually happening around them. Those who voted to leave are still speculating/fantasising about what might happen 5 years down the road.
30 Sep 2008
I can see the next General Election being a tough one, everybody is predicting a Tory shift to the right.

If Corbyn stays then we have Labour way to the left, who is going to hold the middle ground?

If Corbyn is gone then what do we end up with, another incarnation of New Labour?
12 Nov 2015
5 years this, or 2 years that. 5 years can feel like a lifetime in the climate we're most likely facing. We've just been through years of dismal austerity - and who's to say it will be 5 years? Leave have basically voted in a recession without a plan on how to deal with it. Without a plan at all.

This could have gone 2 ways. The EU could have been pragmatic, and thought OK - the Brits want to leave. Lets see how we can work this through or it could have been a case of pack your bags and leave.

Clearly the latter suits the likes of Merkel and Hollande. This is a problem.

On observation - those on here moaning are doing so because of what is actually happening around them. Those who voted to leave are still speculating/fantasising about what might happen 5 years down the road.

On your observation: the main question is, is it project fear still, or just project reality?
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