**British Armed Forces Discussion Thread**

22 Oct 2004
Official site http://www.army.mod.uk/
Job Selector Pathfinder http://www.armyjobs.mod.uk/jobs/Pages/default.aspx

Official Site http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/
How To Join http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/server/show/nav.6248

Official Site http://www.raf.mod.uk/
Join http://www.raf.mod.uk/careers/nextsteps/

Going by a couple popular threads on here about the Armed Forces i thought i would start the ultimate armed forces thread:)
As you can tell by my sig im interested in the Army, and i just feel so lucky to be born in the country that has the best Army in the world.

So far ive passed medical and in two weeks im doing my BARB Test, and after that its my fitness test so far so good. Anyone else trying out for the Army and what regiment?
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I hate the view some people have of the armed forces. I was talking to a group the other day and a few of them believed the armed forces was for school leavers with poor marks and "no hope of a good career". I know you can make a good life for yourself in any of the forces and I always say fair play to anyone with the bottle to serve!

So far ive passed medical and in two weeks im doing my BARB Test, and after that its my fitness test so far so good. Anyone else trying out for the Army and what regiment?

was interested in the RMPs, got to drop 4 stone before i can apply though :/ at 6'6, and blood pressure etc is fine lol
The Army is a bunch of cold blooded murderers who would gut you in your sleep and steal the cookie jar!

Good luck in your quest to join the Army bakes310 :)
Done my time in the RAF, didnt meet a guy called 'Goose' though and was never threatened to fly a cargo plane full of rubber dog @?*@ out of hong kong.
Good times though
I was a few weeks away from starting my training untill I was medically deferred untill march 2010. Sucks but there is nothing I can do now but wait till march 2010 before re-applying.

I'd like a career in the royal tank regiment. My dad did 14 years in army, so, I've got someone I can talk to about the army anytime I want.

Good luck blake. I wish I was doing my training right now.
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