Exactly. And I think they extend the timer in the evening as well. In the morning it’s awful, like three minutes. Even I can’t rub one out, wash my hair and body and brush my teeth in that time!Genius, no shower queue!
Exactly. And I think they extend the timer in the evening as well. In the morning it’s awful, like three minutes. Even I can’t rub one out, wash my hair and body and brush my teeth in that time!Genius, no shower queue!
Exactly. And I think they extend the timer in the evening as well. In the morning it’s awful, like three minutes. Even I can’t rub one out, wash my hair and body and brush my teeth in that time!
I've done it a couple of times and the first time, we tried this.* Food in there is expensive so have a good stock at your campsite and get a decent coolbox(s)
My son and I are going on the Saturday so looking forward to the sprint race. My only real concern is getting out at the end of the day as I'm sure there will be many thousands of people all leaving the car parks at the same time. I have a 2-3 hour drive after so will be a long day for my son. Is it going to be carnage like I expect it to be?
Although it was four years ago I went I found the food, for an event anyway, wasn’t that badly priced. Sure it wasn’t cheap, but I didn’t think it massively expensive either. I’d certainly seen more expensive items at concerts and theme parks.I've done it a couple of times and the first time, we tried this.
Honest opinion, it's not worth it! Accept you're going to be spending a lot of money on food and just budget accordingly. Grabbing something out of the coolbox that's warm and sweaty isn't fun. It's just far less effort to buy food.
The one thing the government actually spent money on was the surrounding roads. They close some of the roads and implement a one way system so you can have four lanes coming in and then after the race four lanes going out. It usually works.The only thing i can say is try and park closer to the entrance/exit as then you should be one of the first to be able to get out. I also vaguely remember they have a decent system with the surrounding roads in that they manage the traffic quite well getting away from the venue.
It'll be carnageMy son and I are going on the Saturday so looking forward to the sprint race. My only real concern is getting out at the end of the day as I'm sure there will be many thousands of people all leaving the car parks at the same time. I have a 2-3 hour drive after so will be a long day for my son. Is it going to be carnage like I expect it to be?
predictions? VER HAM PER
wants? HAM NOR RUS
Anyone else?
I'd be really interested to know how they've handled the covid situation.My first time going to a gp, can't wait.
I'd be really interested to know how they've handled the covid situation.
Have you had to provide any evidence of vaccinations or take a test on arrival at the circuit?
Are masks compulsory in any area?
The one thing the government actually spent money on was the surrounding roads. They close some of the roads and implement a one way system so you can have four lanes coming in and then after the race four lanes going out. It usually works.
Ver / Norris / Perez