Broken Britain Movies

7 Feb 2010
Broken Britain Movies (released after 2004)
DEFINITION = movies depicting widespread state of social decay in the United Kingdom circa 2007, i.e. chavs, modern day youth crime, grimey streets of London.
NOT = Gangster flicks or anything post-apocalyptic.


I can't get enough of them, it's one of those rare subjects where I'm entertained even by what some consider a poor quality movie. Trying to put together a decent list of any related films from 2004 onward (even if you/others consider it a poor film).

Ill Manors
Harry Brown
Eden Lake
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No, not really and This Is England isn't related either.

I'm talking about 'Broken Britain':
"a populist term which has been used to describe a perceived widespread state of social decay in the United Kingdom circa 2007, i.e. chavs, modern day youth crime, grimey streets of London.."
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NO WAY!! That's seriously fantastic news.

It's amazing how many people just see Noel Clarke as the bumbling boyfriend from Dr Who. He's seriously talented.
Since you didn't consider trainspotting, I'm not sure my indie film will be much different as it's drug related circa 2004.
It's a film about to heroin addicts in dublin, and i guess your more looking for violence and gangs etc, but none the less I remember it being worth a watch.
It's called ADAM & PAUL
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