Broken Pixel Buds? Good luck getting Google to replace them.

kinda glad Abi left you on that.. you need to sort your attitude out. Customer service in no way is responsible for your device breaking and they all have to follow what they're told. You being rude towards them from the get-go is hilarious. Fix your attitude before you get your pixel buds fixed :)
You acted like an ass from the get go. Later on in the conversation maybe it would be OK but to start you went full stupid

And to ask for a replacement to pro's Jesus the guy was just trying to help you, wow he didn't ask a couple of questions and maybe didn't read the serial number up in the convo, big deal.

Get what you deserve to be fair, if I was the agent I would just bin your warranty replacement
Wow, this was a perfect lesson in how to reduce your chances of getting help to a bare minimum. Always start politely because the person on the other end of the line is not the cause of your problem and is the person you need help from. Put yourself in their shoes. If someone was rude from the start would you be more or less inclined to do the bare minimum?
2:20:23 AM Abi: Are the Pixel Buds currently inside or outside of the case?
2:20:43 AM norm: Why is this so protracted, isn’t there a form customers can fill out all this information

2:22:05 AM Abi: I’m sorry about that. Please remove it from the case for now. How do you normally transport the case with the Pixel Buds? Is it in a backpack, inside your pocket?
2:22:39 AM norm: This is ridiculous you’ll be asking me what I had for breakfast the day they stopped working next
If I was the CS agent here, I'd be logging both of these answers as "unknown" just because of your attitude. That's probably why you didn't get immediate replacements. If the correct answers were logged you probably would have been given a new set - and the agent knows this :)
Today's definition of "an arse" must have drastically changed then, I wasn't abusive or rude.

Just reflective of todays ********* like attitudes.
If you can’t see that you were unnecessarily rude then that must just be a reflection of your personality. That is not the way you communicate with someone that you want help from.
i could be wrong here but i think the only person in the wrong here is you - seems you were being a bit of an arse from the get go.

lol, 2 minutes in "2:10:59 AM norm: Why not just ask for my full name to begin with?"

You've immediately identified yourself as a pain in the arse and diminished any chance of someone having any desire to do more than the bare minimum to help you

I could be speaking out of turn... but try acting in a less antagonistic manner when seeking help in the future - you may find people are more willing to help you!

I bet you've eaten a lot of food with *** and spit in it in your life :p

Acted like an arse, got what you deserved.

You acted like an ass from the get go.
As above tbh.
Ha quality. Love it when people rant at support who are about 9 levels below anyone who has the power to "change" things.

Be nicer.
Ha quality. Love it when people rant at support who are about 9 levels below anyone who has the power to "change" things.

Be nicer.

It's made even better by the fact that despite being told by 10 different people he was being an arse, he's decided to double down on it by then being an arse to everyone in the thread, whilst insisting he's definitely not an arse.

Seems like he's dug himself into such a hole, he's struggling to get out of it to be able to reply :cry:
All OP needs to do is accept he was wrong from the very beginning of the conversation, rather then ignore said people in this thread that makes him look like even more of an ass
Today's definition of "an arse" must have drastically changed then, I wasn't abusive or rude.

Just reflective of todays ********* like attitudes.

Well we all have different opinions. When i read your transcript my first thought was why is the Op being such an arse. Agreed their returns process could be better but that doesnt excuse your rudeness from that start.
Whatever. This is typical behaviour of this forum anyway. Pick on one point in isolation and just keep reiterating it en-masse, because it makes the posters involved feel like they are somehow bonded together. Just pathetic childish behaviour really.

Every single reply so far has pointed out the way you were hostile, antagonistic and acting like an ass in the course of the discussion.

Yet SOMEHOW You still think it's everyone else who is at fault?

Do you know what "Self Awareness" is?
Yeah if you came at me with the attitude in the transcript at my business i'd be doing the absolute bare legal minimum for you, and making it hard work for you to get that.

No time for people who don't understand the complexities of running a business and expect free stuff at the drop of a hat.

Grow up tbh.

What a film :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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