Brother was mugged

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"Oi im a muslim, gis us your money and mobile!" - did it happen like that?

definitely go to the police and report the incident. they commited a crime an for that they should be brought to justice. its not your job to dish out the punishment so leave that to the law.

if youve lived and travelled you'll find that criminals will come from all sorts of backgrounds. my parents used to live quite near a council estate where the majority were white. never once did they report them to the police as "christian thieves/vandals" (even if they did wear the cross). Religions that ive studied dont preach this kind of behavior. theyre called 'sins' - and its down to the person whether they choose to act out this sin or not, its not the religion at fault so why mention it when describing an act of crime? does that make sense?
CLAWS said:
If only I could. Im not going to turn this into a keyboard warrior king rant but the last time we had a run in with these guys (when it was me and my mate who got mugged), my mates cousin got one of them back pretty bad. The following week my mate was beaten up really bad. They made a point of knocking off his turban and stamping and spitting on it.

well done, heres an example of how to make things worse by stooping to their level. and sparking off what could potentially turn into a mini war then "all asians" will be labelled as trouble makers. you do not fight this sort of thing on the same level as these people - the law is on your side if you are mis-treated... so report them and let the law deal with it.
Visage said:
If the OP had mentioned that the muggers were wearing Nike trainers three times in his post i'd think 'Hmm....he's putting a lot of emphasis on what should be a trivial detail'.

Same here.


Why is it a trivial detail? According to the poster there has been a siginificant increase in violence and muggings since there was a significant increase in Muslims. He clearly feels the two are related and do not bear some co-incidental association.
Perhaps he has not felt intimidated or threatened before but as a result of recent experiences with this new influx of muslims who may be specifically targetting Seikhs he considers Muslims in a new light. Perhaps his experience is equally valid to yours?
Who are you to decide what is and is not a trivial detail?
Big Chris said:
Claws and I'm assuming his younger brother too are Indian though, but not Muslim.

Hehe - I'd say there's a good chance! ;)

Pic removed on request from Claws - Davey

Btw CLAWS, your lady is gorgeous!
Phantom said:
"Oi im a muslim, gis us your money and mobile!" - did it happen like that?

definitely go to the police and report the incident. they commited a crime an for that they should be brought to justice. its not your job to dish out the punishment so leave that to the law.

if youve lived and travelled you'll find that criminals will come from all sorts of backgrounds. my parents used to live quite near a council estate where the majority were white. never once did they report them to the police as "christian thieves/vandals" (even if they did wear the cross). Religions that ive studied dont preach this kind of behavior. theyre called 'sins' - and its down to the person whether they choose to act out this sin or not, its not the religion at fault so why mention it when describing an act of crime? does that make sense?

Phantom, thats a fair comment. The reason for the anger and focused hate is not just down to the fact that I was angry about my mum and dad neglecting to tell me until this morning, but also because the same two guys did the same to me and a friend when we were back at college. The stupidest thing is theyre the same age as me which is 26 and NOW theyre terrorising 17-18 year old colleges kids ffs!!! I mean come on, you got to draw the line somewhere???

Having just spoken to my dad over the phone about 5 mins ago, it looks like its going to be a visit to the cop shop. If the cops dont sort them out then I suppose we got no choice but to move him to a different college. Quite a number of people already left from there before Xmas because of tension thats been building up there since September, guess one more wont make a difference.
Ummm guys..... please remove my pic from the thread. Thanx for the compliment to the missus though :)
PaulStat said:
Maybe so, but he appears to be suggesting all muslims that have moved in to the area since 1997 are trouble makers. It's great fun to generalise aint it ;)

I didn't see where he said ALL muslims that moved into the area are trouble makers. I am familiar with the concept of asian/muslim gangs around Watford and Luton though.

Could you show me where he suggested that ALL muslims that had moved into the area are trouble makers ?
CLAWS said:
Ummm guys..... please remove my pic from the thread. Thanx for the compliment to the missus though :)
Uploaded to imageshack for future eeeville shoppery.

"Donations" to my paypal account welcome.

[OZ] said:
I assume you mean Asian and not Muslim
Tbh he was most likely refering to asain lads fromt he muslim cultural race, to try phrase it a bit more politically correct. And im glad he didnt just refer to them as asians, that is sucha balls pc term because most are too scared to point the finger, theres a huge difference between asains froma hindu culture, asains from a chinese culture, asians froma sikh culture. If you have half an ounce of common sense you can tell the difference between them quite easyly.
vonhelmet said:
And tenchi-fan knows the guys responsible for mugging CLAWS' brother how?

By the description claws has given? I assumehe knows them about as well as you do and that hasn't stopped you offering comment although you've avoided answering my posts directly.
dragonflyy said:
Why oh why can't people just support the poster instead of getting on their high horses nit picking every little detail! :mad:

Because they are obsessed with seeing racism everywhere in everyones posts perhaps?
VIRII said:
Because they are obsessed with seeing racism everywhere in everyones posts perhaps?

For someone who complains so much about 'liberals' throwing around accusations of racism, you dont half go on about it a lot......
VIRII said:
By the description claws has given? I assumehe knows them about as well as you do and that hasn't stopped you offering comment although you've avoided answering my posts directly.

Tenchi-fan's original comment was:

tenchi-fan said:
Actually the problem is that the guys who did it are Muslims, and asian. They didn't think twice about mugging your brother or his friend because they have no respect for non-Muslims or non-asians.

Now, unless he knows the guys personally or at least by reputation, he is no more able to comment than any of us. Also, I'm inclined to think that his post suggests that they have no respect for non-Muslims and non-Asians because of their Muslim, Asian status; rather than because of who they are.

However, I agree that I am no more able to comment on the two individuals. While you assume he knows them, I assume he is making prejudiced assumptions. Only tenchi-fan can clarify that.

Does that answer your post more directly?
tenchi-fan said:
Quoted? I didn't ever write "no Muslims or Asians have any respect for non-Muslims and non-Asians".

Fair enough... then what exactly were you implying when you said:

tenchi-fan said:
Actually the problem is that the guys who did it are Muslims, and asian. They didn't think twice about mugging your brother or his friend because they have no respect for non-Muslims or non-asians.

Do you know the people personally? By reputation? Were you just making a sweeping generalisation?
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