BSD Codes, any help please ?

A quick Google of "HD4000 vs 8800 GTS 320" would have confirmed that the 8800 is better than the onboard graphics for gaming. Installing the card in your system would help confirm whether or not you have an issue with your motherboard and assuming it works OK give another indication that the issue is with your graphics card. The card won't draw as much power as your 6990 so you won't know if your PSU is an issue unless you swap it out which TBH would be my first option, if you don't get the issue with the 2nd PSU then you know for sure it's a PSU issue.
thanks again mate and sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

That link was very helpful and it led me to a lot of other internet things about it too, so thanks man :) (I couldn't find that overclockers link when I searched, but anyhow, you did and that's all that matters :) ) The 8800 GTS seemingly is slightly better than the Integrated Intel graphics, not a lot but enough, so that defo worth a try :) .

ALSO, big update, I had a look last night at the last time I upgraded my motherboard bios and since then there has been 10 updates, YES 10 UPDATES, LOL.....

So, I took the plunge and updated the bios to the most recent and then worked into the small hours tweaking all the new added options to the bios that they have added and got my cpu overclocked and stable again same as before, was a bit of hassle, but after hours I got it all done and then made sure to save it too.

ANOTHER update, I contacted my PSU manufacturer and checked to see if just maybe its still under warranty, I have to wait until next week to see what happens with that as I might get a replacement, hope so.

In the meantime though I guess it would be a good idea with the latest Bios update installed to try the AMD 6990 again just to see if it works or not, as I think you and others have said, sometimes, just sometimes, a bios can get corrupted for some reason, so that's always a possibility, and at this stage anything is worth a try, one step at a time though so that I can figure out whats going on.

Looks like I will be dealing with the graphics card side of things first as its going to take days for the PSU manufacturers to get back to me later in the week.
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Ok, really got my fingers crossed now, just plugged the AMD 6990 back in after installing my latest version of system Bios which was 10 updates old as I said in last post post.

I know or have a funny feeling I am hoping for miracles, but sometimes miracles happen as they say, I have never seen a bios update fix anything like this before, especially when I hadn't even updated the graphics driver in about one year either and it worked fine with the old bios and old graphics driver before, but as they say, sometimes things can just happen, so its worth a shot.

So this is where I am at just now, AMD 6990 plugged back in, as I say etc, its running as I expected it would and I expect it will close down/freeze etc when it wants to as it done before, if it doesnt then its a bonus :) If it does its then try the old NVidia 8800 GTS card while I wait on word back from my PSU manufacturer as I said earlier too.

I will keep youz informed, no doubt everyone is sitting waiting patiently on the results, LOL, (NOT !) LOL.

Just thought I would bore you all some more, hehehehe, lol, seriously though, keeping the post updated as it may help someone else at sometime or may even help me again if I need to refer back to it etc :)
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right here we go again, I thought what I expected that it would freeze or shut down as usual etc.

BUT, this is very very strange, well to me anyway it is if it turns out something to do with this, but I cant see it as its had 2 fresh windows installs and everything (and the latest system bios update) too.

Anyway, you know how you get the built in windows re-run assessment thing so that it updates the windows performance score etc, you know what I am talking about ????..........right ok, well, I am trying to simply run that and I get the black screen, no error codes or nothing and the computer is still running and I can hear the sound coming through the speakers, so it hasn't closed down etc (just blank/black screen).

So I tried that a few times and exact same thing happened, and then I thought ok, well if this is a graphics problem I will go to extremes and run furmark which I did and it runs perfectly fine and the graphic card fan ramps right up and the temps of the graphics ramp right up too which is expected etc.

So what the heck is going on there man ???

I have no way of telling what its actually doing, know what I mean ?

Does anyone have any ideas ?
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another update:

as I said, have the most recent bios and decided to go full hog and for the 3rd time in about 1 week I formatted the windows drive and done a clean windows install just to make sure everything was back to scratch etc.

so then as I wasn't doing much I connected back up the AMD 6990 card and the darn thing started to act up again with same problem :(

So while I was at it I threw in the old GeForce 8800 GTS 320mb card and that appears for now to be stable, touch wood for luck.

Thing is now, this really takes me back to square one doesn't it (or does it ?), because if your thinking same as me then I am thinking there is either a fault with the AMD 6990 or the PSU not being able to supply it enough power and I haven't tried another power supply with it as I just know that one I have spare wont even start this pc as I am overclocked etc etc etc.

so I guess now I just need to wait on the PSU manufacturer getting back to me again and hoping for the best, BUT, can we now at least rule out the motherboard at this stage, (or can we ?) does anyone know ??

this is really really starting to give me headaches now man and I am ready to throw the whole computer right through the window, you see, I don't keep well at all with my health, so anything like lifting and laying computers etc really does me right in man and I am not in any way looking for sympathy because on that note I couldn't care less, its me that like this, not you thank goodness, I don't expect any extra help either for being long term ill either, simple facts are I am though, so it does take a lot out of my body and mind having to do these things now days, but I used to do it all no problems away back from the windows 1995 day, getting too old and tired now though, but hey, that's life, anyways would still appreciate if anyone can chat please ?? thanks :confused:
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Have u tried underclocking the GPU memory. Also because you are putting so much information in your thread you might want to consider making it into a series of bullet points rather than padding out with things like "I don't know what's going on, any ideas". Makes it really difficult to gain the facts. I've had this post open in a tab for a few days now.

I myself was having problems. Although this was a relatively new overclock, new build from May. I've fixed my problem, but I'll probably make my own thread about it.

edit: Was re-reading my posts and I didn't make a post about my "fix". I'd just like to mention that I fixed my BSOD with higher DDR voltage. First I had 1600DDR with 99927 1t with 1.5v stock, I used 1.55v and it was stable. Then I tried 2400DDR with XMP timings and I needed 1.68v (+0.03) from XMP profile, this was with a 4.5Ghz, 4Ghz uncore 4690k.

I've totally forgot about what you posted, but I wouldn't recommend furmark; its a GPU killer. My PC is stable for BF3 (which was the most flaky thing I could run apart from plain old CPU stressers) not stable for prime95 or linx. I used to test with those but now I've just gone with what people are saying nowadays: just use your PC normally to check for stability. +Its hot weather ATM so its only going to get further away from instability as the ambient drops.
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Have u tried underclocking the GPU memory. Also because you are putting so much information in your thread you might want to consider making it into a series of bullet points rather than padding out with things like "I don't know what's going on, any ideas". Makes it really difficult to gain the facts. I've had this post open in a tab for a few days now.

I myself was having problems. Although this was a relatively new overclock, new build from May. I've fixed my problem, but I'll probably make my own thread about it.

Cheers mate, I haven't even overclocked the GPU at all, never have.

I know what you mean with me making long posts but I just find it really difficult to post everything I want to say in just a few lines, other than that I would need to just post loads more posts in the thread to cover what I want to say, so it just really the same thing whether it be long posts or several posts, and I know some people get tired and bored of reading, well that's until the same problem happens to them and then all of a sudden posts like mine may or may not come in very handy :)
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Well, I have a new PSU on order, should have it this week sometime, its about time anyway as the one I have is probably about 8 years old or something like that, good old long lasting quality CoolerMaster parts :) , So I ordered the daddy of them all to replace it and again its a CM but its the top of range model, the V1200 Platinum.

So all I need to hope for now is that it was the PSU causing the fault as that was my very first thought on the matter, maybe this old one just doesn't have enough power left in it to power up the electricity guzzling AMD 6990 graphics card, we shall soon find out.

If that's not the problem then I will get a new graphics card, if that's not the problem it will be lastly a new motherboard obviously.

Anyways, for anyone who is even interested at all in the slightest, that's where I am at just now with this, seems to still be running fine right now with the old PSU and the grand golden oldie Nvidia 8800 GTS card in it for now, touch wood for luck, so I really strongly hope that's a sign that the motherboard isn't faulty, I hope not.
I see no mention of trying the 6990 in the other pci slot?

I did say mate, was further up the thread though, the 6990 wouldnt fit in the other case that I have, so that was the end to that idea sadly, its a pity as it would have been a good idea, but however, we are where we are now.

Thanks for your comment though mate, its much appreciated as is anyones :)

edit: see next post lude1962 mate.
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I see no mention of trying the 6990 in the other pci slot?

oops, I see what you mean now, "the other pci-e slot", sorry mate, at first I thought you meant another computer, but I know what you mean now, as in "the other spare pci-e slot" that there is, sorry mate, I didnt read your first post correctly, my mistake.

well, either way, I have ordered that new PSU and its paid for etc, so if I still get problems with the AMD 6990 in the first slot I shall certainly remember to try it in the spare lower slot, I will defo do that, thanks for reminding me mate :)

Seems rather strange though that the old Nvidia 8800 GTS pci-e card is working perfect in the first pci-e slot though, could mean its ok, but who knows, hard to say.

Thanks again mate @lude1962
Yes, its that time again, lol, back with another UPdate sorry to say.;)

I got my New Cooler Master V1200 Platinum PSU yesterday as you can see in the photos attached.




1. They sent it with a European 2 pin wall mains plug/cable, will my old UK 3 pin plug wall PSU cable be perfect to use with it and will the actual PSU be fine to use in the UK ?? (I am guessing the answers are yes to these but I wanted to doubled check).

2. Do You see 2 x CPU 8 pin sockets on the PSU photos, what are those for, I don't see them on my motherboard or manual, I have one 8 pin CPU connector (I think), (or is that more commonly known as a cpu overclocking power connector to supply more power to the motherboard if you clock the cpu, I cant remember ?) does that maybe mean I just use any one of those two sockets pictured for that possibly ??
2.2 Do you see the Motherboard 10 pin connector on the photos ?? What's that for, not for my board maybe ?, I don't see that on my motherboard, hmmm.

3. You will see the fan grate on one photo, on my current old cooler master PSU the fan faces down towards the ground, I have seen a couple of videos on you-tube and a couple of people say they prefer to put it facing up, some don't though, but I wonder why ?? does that fan suck or blow ? something I have never knew or asked to be honest.?? Can I have thoughts on this please thanks ?

4. You see the Hybrid Fan socket on the photos ? , I see some people on various reviews say that it isn't even worth using that as the fan is silent anyway and you would be lucky to save hardly any money at all on electricity per year, what's you thoughts on that please ??

5. Lastly (I think, lol), it comes with a whole load of the new style flat cables, again, on the internet I have seen people say they are in favour of them and some say waste of time really, would they really make a difference and make any difference at all to safety or could I just plug in the existing cables that are already in use, I don't know, I don't change out PSU's 'ever' to be honest, this is the first apart from new build systems, whats your thoughts on this too please thanks ??
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One possible reason for the lack of responses to your PSU related questions is that the people with detailed knowledge and experience of PSUs would be monitoring the specific sub-forum for Power Supplies so I would suggest that you make a post in there.

My personal take on your specific questions follow;

1) I would suggest yes, but to protect yourself in the unlikely event that anything goes wrong I would confirm this with the retailer.

2) If you don't need all of the available connection types don't use them. If out of curiosity you need to know what they are for read the manual, check out the manufacturers website for specifications or read detailed reviews of the product.

3) If your case has a cutout for the PSU fan, mount the PSU accordingly, if it doesn't you will need to mount the PSU so the fan is not obscured by the case. AFAIK the fan is an intake.

4) It's a gimmick. The PSU fan serves a purpose it will only spin up to high / noisy levels if the components are overheating in which case why would you want to reduce it's effectiveness?

5) You should use the cables that came with the PSU that have been designed for it.
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For me I've undervolted my vcore on my 4790k.
What does this have to do with the price of cheese you ask?
Well I was fine in loads of different games and benches for hours and hours.
Then I started playing some planetside2 with a few friends, and I started with crash to desktop or BSOD on windows with different errors an average of one an hour.
I touched the vcore up a bit and all gone (so far). Thing is I'd done the undervolt a long while ago and it almost had slipped my mind. Just took one pesky game to trigger it.

So moral of the story, everything can appear fine for ages, only takes one random application or game to have a moan and it's back to the drawing board.
Ok, thanks as usual PieEater.

Yea PieEater, I have had to email coolermaster for more support as I need that 8 port EATX 12v powered on my motherboard as I overclock etc, and I don't see a cable that will do that at all that has came with the V1200.

Also, does anyone know if using 1 x 6 pin pci-e from PSU to 2 x 8 pin pci-e (they are daisy chained) cable will be perfect for my AMD 6990 graphics card (it has two 8 pin pci-e sockets on the card), is that a no-no ?? I don't know, I never swap out PSU's, that's why I am stuck man, :(

Scared in case I make anything go BANG !
Hello admin, could one of you please move my entire thread here with all the attachments and everything into the "POWER SUPPLIES" section a.s.a.p as I was advised by another member that it may get more attention in there, could you do that please ?

(I have been trying to post a message to admin but it wont send, trying to get them to do what I am asking here, so if anyone knows anyone, could you please ask them to do this, thank you ?).
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Here is where I am at with this now,

I have still not been able to get the darn new V1200 PSU fitted as it had missing cables which I suspected since I got it, I got the missing cables delivered from them yesterday though.

On close inspection though, the squares and the round edged plastic pin plug parts of the cables and sockets do not look correct at all :(

I was instructed with Coolermaster like this "The CPU connector on the PSU are to power the CPU on the mainboard. The PSU has two of these because there are some mainboards (especially server boards) that have two CPU’s. You however only need one. There should be a cable that has a 8 pin connector on one side and two 4 pin connectors on the other side. The 8 pin goes into the PSU and the 4 Pin connectors go side by side into the mainboard." (this was the missing cables, well along with the UK mains cable too).


They sent the photo above showing what they meant but I dont think they really even took much notice to be honest of the motherboard connection side, I could be wrong though, I have attached the photo above anyway they sent.


This above image is obviously the motherboard EATX 12V CPU Connector socket for the ASUS P8Z77-V DELUXE, they (coolermaster) told me that the 2 x 4 connectors should go in there side by side (as their image attempts to show at the top) but they dont match if you closely look at the shapes (unless I am missing something or maybe only need one cable or something, I dont know). ?



These images above are the cables in question they sent me yesterday, (two sets of the same cables that were missing in first place).

But anyway, as you can see and read, I still have not got anywhere with this PSU because of this and the waiting time and I am scared to take any risks to be honest, especially with these cables, could melt my motherboard or cpu or anything man :(

(Admin, could one of you please move my entire thread here with all the attachments and everything into the "POWER SUPPLIES" section a.s.a.p as I was advised by another member that it may get more attention in there, could you do that please ?)
I have been trying to post a message to admin but it wont send, trying to get them to do what I am asking here, so if anyone knows anyone, could you please ask them to do this, thank you ?). Much appreciated.
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