BSOD on new OCUK build

29 Nov 2012
Recently (Monday!) took delivery of the Titan 8900i Plasma MK II OCUK build.

I've been getting BSOD every day. My intial thoughts are that it's related to Steam downloading/updating games as I've left the PC on overnight doing that and woke up to a BSOD.

Left it on today whilst at work with nothing running and had my girlfriend check it and no BSOD as yet (as of 10:30 this morning).

Any initial thoughts and/or advice? I've got the day off tomorrow so can run some diagnostic checks which I'm sure will be the advice!

what operating system are you running?
as a error log / crash report etc would be nice, cant you make it do it again, ie repeat what made it crash before etc, or is it stable when you just leave it on doing nothing etc

Windows 7.

Kernel 41 error is the critical errors I'm getting.

Stable today so far with no open applications.

I'll warn you now, I'm quite a novice when it comes to Windows error checking and diagnostic tools! :o
Possible RAM error. Try interchanging the RAM (take out stick, run whatever made it crash, repeat on over stick)
the most likely thing is a bad overclock (there been a few on here with poor overclocking done) ,put it back to standard and stress test .if no errors then the overclock is the problem .
I'd suggest you liaise with the staff at OcUK as they will be able to help you best :)

I've posted something in the customer service thread but no reply yet :(

Something to add: left the machine running all day doing 'nothing' and came home to no crashes/BSOD.

Running Steam overnight again to see what occurs in the morning.

Might actually try playing a game tomorrow and see what happens.

Will also try running memtest.
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Sounds like faulty RAm or an unstable OC.

If you haven't already posted in the CS section I would.

Other than that, memtest the RAM, run Prime 95 and check CPU temps to make sure nothing is amiss.

Also maybe worth running the system at stock speeds, load default profile in the BIOS as that would rule out any overclock related issues.
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