I'm not sure if you're aware, but your connection has been banded, as shown by your rates ending in exactly 99 and 9999. The DLM bands your profile when it detects a lot of errors, and its response is to artificially limit your speed until the connection is stable (hence the high Line Attenuation, its raised that to drop your speed and improve the signal quality). So while the line is capable of 50173 (so the wiring is ok now, more or less), you have been locked down at 39999. The errors may have been caused by dodgy wiring, or a faulty router, or even a car hitting your fibre cabinet, it happens 
The speeds will gradually creep up, and the longer it detects your connection is stable the better, so just leave the router switched on, don't reset, restart or power it down. It may take days, or even weeks, but eventually, your speeds should reach to around the Max Rate.

The speeds will gradually creep up, and the longer it detects your connection is stable the better, so just leave the router switched on, don't reset, restart or power it down. It may take days, or even weeks, but eventually, your speeds should reach to around the Max Rate.
It's only 3 years old too. Sadly beyond the 2 years guarantee for non-structural flaws. The internet feels a lot more stable and snappy since I've faffed around with the wiring anyway. Still not dropped and still no errors despite moving it onto the extension wiring.
Think the cabinet is at the end of our road. Probably less than 100 yards.