You have essentially got a new connection so DLM will have to start over.
Interleaving is on by default on new connections and is on on your connection, hence why your connection speed is lower. In time it should/might get turned off by DLM and your sync speeds will increase. Likewise G.INP will give you a boost in speeds if DLM turns it on. You may well also have been on a lower target SNR which will give you a faster connection.
All these things are controlled by DLM and is out of the hands of your ISP or OR. Just give it time and leave it alone, and it should return to how it was previously.
The first pic is the old PCP with the pod on the left. The 3rd pic is the FTTC cab.
You is showing as Amber, I've read that it could be due to capacity or something to do with your estimated speeds. Your ISP should be able to know why. Sky isn't offering, yet.