bubbles in loop

sablabra said:
My MCP655 gets rid of the air by itself at full speed. And that's with my t-line being the lowest point in my system :D . Thanks to the hugely powerfull pump air never gets trapped in the system :p

how would air get "trapped" if its a sealed loop? Its either in or its out surely?
ok guys get ready for my master plan!
so i tipped my rad up so the barbs were at the bottom and i figured, correctly, that all the bubbles would go to the top of the rad, and sure enough there are no more visible bubbles in my loop :D so here are my options:

1) just leave them in there, as they are at the top, and my rad is going to be mounted vertically so they will remain at the top and they probably wouldn't take up much space.

2) lay the rad back down with barbs up, and run the pump for 1 second or so, so the water makes it round the loop once, hopefully the bubbles will have merged into one big bubble which will make its way round the loop to the res. once it is out of the rad i can manouveur it through the blocks and dispose of it.

would option 1 be very very bad, or could i get away with it?
im guessing option 2 is the better, and if so is it possible (and not damaging to the pump) to quickly switch it on and off to slowly push the bubble out of the rad so i can manipulate it?


if its not bothering you it certainly won't hurt anything by being there. I'd probably chill and enjoy your new system rather than stressing about a bubble.

Unless its huge of course.
there were lots of little bubbles, i dunno how big it is lol maybe i should check it first. yeah i wanna enjoy my system :( nice and quiet etc. etc.

i think i'll see how big it is, if it is small then to be honest i can't be arsed!!

matt100 said:
how would air get "trapped" if its a sealed loop? Its either in or its out surely?

I mean like air getting trapped in the radiator and the blocks. With my previous pump I had to tilt and hit my computer in order to get all the air out :D
ok lol now my res cap is leaking :( i have RMA'd for a new one but it has to come from germany i have tried everything, screwing it down tightly, putting pfte tape round it and the washer on, not using the washer and just using pfte and it still lets water seep out. argh this is doing my head in.

Sorry new to water cooling, but I recently heard that high flow/pressure pumps need a dual reservoir instead of a single bay res, beacuse the smaller reservoir will suck in air. I dunno if that would apply in this case.
Sounds like the res you have is similar to my Danger Den/Swiftech.Except mine is seperate from the pump.
Mine leeked from the fill plug if the level of the fluid was any where around the threads of the fill plug.(tried tightening it, 2 "O"rings, loosening it slightly) :(
The problem I also found was a gurgling sound as the fluid entered the res,and the only way to get over it was to tip the res bck slightly then fill it as much as possible,but then the leek occurs as mentioned before when the res is slid back into it's level position.
All in all I think they are naff and I am wondering about replacing it with another drive bay design.
raja said:
Sorry new to water cooling, but I recently heard that high flow/pressure pumps need a dual reservoir instead of a single bay res, beacuse the smaller reservoir will suck in air. I dunno if that would apply in this case.

I think it's ******** :) . At least with most reservoirs. But I would really reccomend to swap to t-line, it looks stylish with a "petrol-filler" on top of my lian li :D
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