Bugbear NCG: Wreckfest now has real deal online Multiplayer.

Here some pics I took of the car damage while I race online this week: :)









With the latest patch for Build #6, Bugbear has tweak the netcode to be less laggy, so now we can have 24 player lobbies again. And in my testing this weekend, 18-24 lobbies were lag free most of the time with a good host. :)


Team Bugbear

Speaking of multiplayer, we managed to get the network code much more stable, resulting in less lag. As a very welcome side effect, this improves the responsiveness of your car, making it easier to handle those tight corners and swift swerves.
But that’s not all, oh no. Since the network code is now much robust, we are reintroducing 24-car multiplayer! That’s right, folks! 24 simultaneous cars, duking it out, no moves barred!
After a long 9 month wait, Build #7 finally got release at the end of June. Build needed a few hotfixes, but now
Build #7 pretty stable online. Bugbear added a couple of new cars and Team racing mode and a bigger oval to race and derby on.

Modding been taking off at Bugbear forum, we have our own modding section where you can learn how to skin the cars.
I just got this Mountain Dew skin a couple of weeks ago:

Custom Skins Thread

lobsterfran said:
A Mountain Dew skin, as requested.

Plus, I did a "44" version, just for you.

And here my first try at doing a custom skin, wanted car to look like it was going to a derby here at the
Yakima Speedway 4th July derby:

I also got involved with the modding of Wreckfest. With some help from the community I was able to do some new startpoints
and create a Cops and Robbers mod for Wreckfest. :)

Cops and Robbers mod online Saturday, Aug 29th

Here some video of Saturdays event:

We got an update from Bugbear Dev Saturday what Bugbear up to now:

Purple44 said:
Just took a break from Mad Max to check the forums and found this over at Steam:

any one heard from bb latly

Sorry for the slow news month, guys, we're of course still here. I'll post a proper blog piece next week,
but I can tell you that for the past week or so (now that the majority of our team is back) we've been taking a good look at what we have
now and penning a rough roadmap based on what we feel is important.

* Visual quality: We're still not happy at where we are now and in order to avoid putting in even more temporary stuff we want to improve
the visuals before more content is added. We've already made some promising progress on this front.

* Tracks: Some brand new tracks are being worked on, but it's still early in regards to those. Work is also continuing on Sandpit to
improve and polish it to meet our final target quality.

* Handling: While we made some good progress in the last build, we've still to reach our target. Judging by all the feedback we've received,
it seems like most of you guys agree on this. We're pretty sure our physics engine is already up to the task in regards to features,
but we need to learn how to utilize the engine to the maximum.

* Visual damage: We've already made some improvements on the visual damage to get rid of some of the oddities you've all seen,
and more are on the way. We also have some promising ideas on how to make the crashes feel more violent and realistic. Obviously
we need to make some compromises in order to keep the framerate playable even with 24 cars, but we're confident that there's
still room for improvement.

* Visual customization: We're planning to add a suitable user interface and upgrade parts for one or two vehicles, for starters.
This is something that needs to be planned carefully to support multiplayer and modding, but we already have a pretty good idea
of how everything will fit together. Also, work has already started on the assets.

* Career: At some point we will introduce the bare bones version of the career with rewards for racing as well as a working
parts marketplace and research section. More features will be added gradually.

We also have a pretty interesting prototype running but more about that later... :-)
Ya some guys over at Bugbear forum liking Rocket League, too. Me, I'm busy with Mad Max right now. Did take a break Saturday to race Wreckfest online.
Bugbear gave us some holiday cheer today. :D



Now that Bugbear over the hump getting the new physics to play nice in Wreckfest, development pace starting to pickup. Should be a busy year in 2016 for new content, cars and tracks. :)

We were hoping to see a new car before Christmas, but Bugbear ran out of time. Maybe see a new car or 2 in January. ;)

http://community.bugbeargames.com/index.php/topic,8471.0.html post #26

Janne Suur-Näkki said:
Sure! We have a couple of new cars in production but just couldn't get either of them to a presentable shape before the holidays.
The handling on the cars has been improved dramatically and it does really feel more like driving a banger.

Not sure about the car component upgrade options but the lawnmowers are lots of fun.
It been a long wait ( over 8 months ) since we got a new car in Wreckfest. The Lawnmover last Nov don't count. :p Bugbear release Build #11 yesterday with the first Asian car to be in the game: :D





I saw that number 44, so I had to get me a purple skin to put on. But I left the car out in the rain and the paint started to rust! I guess I should have use some primer before painting car purple.



Update 2016-03-16: NEW CAR!

Janne Suur-Näkki said:
March 16, 2016
A new update is now live, with following changes:


* Added a new car: Asian 1.
* Improved shifting with sequential and H-shifter.
* Added a button to automatically distribute all available repair points to parts that are in worst condition.
* Reduced part wear rate.
* Improved foliage.
* Fixed mud surface, tweaked off-road surfaces.
* Multiplayer race start should no longer get stuck if someone joins or timeouts during the last seconds.
* Implemented a probable fix for the 64-bit version sometimes crashing when a large amount of (dynamic) tires activated.
* Bots that are manually added now remain on the dedicated server after track rotation.
* Increased server name length limit.
* Improved HUD.

As always, many thanks for your support!

Also while racing online last Sunday, we find a couple of tracks we hope to see in Wreckfest soon: :)

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So dissappointed in how this game has developed. It was fun and playable for the first year or so but now performance is abysmal and the game itself would go months without updates and has seen very little meaningful progress. As an early access game I'd recommend anyone to avoid it like the plague.
I get what I consider "poor performance" with a R9 390 and 4770k.

I only game at 1680x1050.

Is the game engine advanced or unoptimised that much at this point or am I doing it wrong?
Seem the r390 is one the video cards that struggle with Wreckfest even thou it a high in video card. some the titan Nvidia video cards having troubles running Wreckfest too.

Might have to give Bugbear another 6-9 months and see if things get better.
Just seems to have turned into a hobby project by the developers. They've added this strange crew option now where you have to assign a crew to a car before you can drive it. Its a right nuisance as you can only have one crew and you cant add more yet.

My two kids (3yrs and 6yrs) play it all the time and they have a Laptop with Intel HD4600 graphics and the other is a GTX960M and they can play it fine so you guys seriously need to man up and sort it!

Only joking. The HD4600 is just playable on low with most things turned off but the GTX960M can handle it smoothly. My 980TI plays it fine with everything on full.

LAN smashes with my kids are brilliant despite the games shortcomings.
The last couple of months has been busy over at Bugbear forum with the release of mod support and Steam Workshop support. :)

Update 2016-04-20: Modding Support!

Update 2016-05-20: Steam Workshop Support + Track Modding

The Bugbear Devs been helping out in the Modding forum with our modding questions and community been helping out too. Go here to take a look the mods that been uploaded to Steam Workshop:


You a fan the old Destruction Derby game? Then checkout The Very End Destruction Derby thread.

And checkout this great model of a 57 Chevy by Dr. Destructo!! :eek:


And here video of the me taking the 57 Chevy for a spin around my reverse GoKart Raceway track:

If it been awhile since you have gone online with Wreckfest, you might want make plans to do it next weekend at the 24 HOURS OF "Le MASH".....open competiotion with NO player limit ! .

Sat June 25th, 9am Pacific time (12 Pm Eastern, 4pm GMT) till the same time June 26th

We are spreading the word of this event and hope to have Wreckfest hopping next weekend!! Maybe even see some the Devs show up online. :)

You don't have Wreckfest in your Steam library yet and like to give Wreckfest a try? There a Steam summer sale starting June 23. There a good chance you could pickup Wreckfest on sale for $20 or go visit Bugbear web site and get a Wreckfest Steam key for $25.


You can tryout Wreckfest for no more than 2 hours and get a Steam refund if you don't have a blast. Also we are expecting Bugbear to release a new Build in the next couple of weeks and hopefully the new Build will come with a new car. We are over due for a new car release.


Edit: Forgot about this video:

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