Looks really nice. which coolant is it?
Thanks. It's the aqua computer dp red. No uv which I prefer
Looks really nice. which coolant is it?
Sex wee!!
bloody gorgeous! i bet your well happy with it
How do those XSPC SLI connectors actually attach/connect?
There are screw 4 holes in the in the top and bottom next to the G1/4. The seal tight with a grommet. I prefer the look to tubing and a complete bonus is that the cards feel like one due to the rigidity, handy for installing etc
Yes, I like the look also and am considering the XSPC blocks over the Aquacomputer blocks for that reason. I'm tempted to go Tri-SLI though, would these work across 3 cards? (I'm guessing serial definitely will, what about parallel?)
EDIT: I also see you're using EVGA cards with backplates. Did that affect the waterblock install in any way? (I'm afraid that due to the slight extra depth I'd over-tighten the screws)