Build 6 Bitspower SM8

Now we really need a 'CL cases owners thread' :D
Looking forward to see your build take shape.
I had to put mine on hold for a month so I am happy to see something new :D

Hmm, just re-read and noticed rad colors.
White, black or panda ( build theme ) ?

Haha I wondewred how long it would take for someone to pick up on the white rad choice. I think it should look quite good however the AX rads are easy to spray if not. :D

Cheers for the comments all - Case order was picked up on Monday and has a 5-7 day lead time for production. Should be shipped on Monday with any luck.
Waiting for some other parts from the US anyway so next weekend could be the big update time.

Just need to order a few miles of Rigid tube :D
And I got charged by fedex, the import fee, but only 35£.
Which means it was % of amount stated by CL on manifest (200$).
You will probably pay same or less.
Just got the shipped email from FedEx. Case Del date is Monday 31st.
Looks like my other us shipment with my new BP goodies has gone ton Australia according to USPS that really could delay things.
Still awaiting

- New tube res
- Lighting
- 5m Rigid tubing

Once I get the deliveries in I can get moving. Here it is for now.
The horizontal support bar will be covered as I am fabricating a midplate and side cover

The Aquaero will be housed in there with the display visible on the midplate. The pump and PSU will also be hidden.

Lots to do!

Midplate is now sized and dremmel'd out to fit. I can now order the real thing from the laser cutters.

Res fixing is solved. Inlet/outlets will be take behind the Mobo tray to maintain the floating look

All parts have now arrived & spending is over - for now




These are the components fitted in my current TJ07. Need to decide on fluid colour yet.

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