Build Log : Nocturnal [Eyefinity]

Hello Rex,

Yeap it's a table from Ikea! [Galant Range] with T Legs.

Yeah I found it eventually! There are so many bloody combinations my brain nearly melted.

For anyone else wondering, this is where you can buy it -

Have you got some more pics from further back Sam? Would be nice to see how big it really is with the whole room in view.

Also, have you thought about wall mounting them? I have two Samsung 2343, and wall mounting is definately the way to go. My brackets costed me about £17 each -
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Yeah I found it eventually! There are so many bloody combinations my brain nearly melted.

For anyone else wondering, this is where you can buy it -

Have you got some more pics from further back Sam? Would be nice to see how big it really is with the whole room in view.

Hello Rex. Yup I'll take one tonight if time permits for ya! Rooms very messy at the moment though.
This looks like it's going to be a fantastic setup! Here's hoping you don't just play CS 1.6 on it...!

I eagerly await it's completion and some shots of the whole thing in action.
Keep it up Sam.


What radiator have you got btw mate? I see your speakers are sticking with the CPU theme as well. My word!
:( Wont be able to upload anymore pictures tonight as I need to get ready for my trip down to Stoke tonight!!

Will post updates whenever I can!

What way are you planning to cable manage the monitors?

Intrested in this, Im thinking of purchasing another 2x 2443BW's for an Eyefinity setup.
Hello Baplad.

Got home not too long ago with my system. its 5:00 in the morning :)

Just fixing everything up and will take more pictures tomorrow. Finally found some screws to mount my SSD into the case. Normal HDD screws wont cut it!!!

looking forward to seeing the whole thing up and running sam


btw, they are very nice monitors, i have one too. but thats the problem

i only have one :p
looking forward to seeing the whole thing up and running sam


btw, they are very nice monitors, i have one too. but thats the problem

i only have one :p

Heyy Rich!!

Cheers buddy! Yup I really like the 2443BW too. 1900x1200 is lovely and the picture quality of the samsung is fantastic!

I've uploaded 3-4 new pictures! Will be able to get more tomorrow from the wife's camera!

Will also need to work on the gpu overclock tomorrow then its all set! The overclock you did on the i7 is just pure win. Thanks very much mate!

The Staff @ Ocuk very kindly recommended that we had lunch at this pub. Food was Excellent! We had to take a break as it was a long long drive back to London.

ah the miller and carter

OcUK tech team's local

sorry i couldnt be there to meet you sam, but they dont let me out in the sunlight very often :p

Heyy Rich!!

The overclock you did on the i7 is just pure win

i may be wrong, but its been bugging me all weekend

i am not 100% sure that i saved the 4.2GHz overclock. i know i saved the 4GHz one but i cant remember saving the 4.2ghz

sam, it may be best if you nip into the bios

tab across to the 'tools' menu and enter Asus OC Profile

in there you can name a profile and save it to a blank tab

that way you will have a backup

that is unless i did save it [might just be me worrying too much]
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