We are singing from the same page Skidder
Don't get me wrong, depending on what is being cooked, I prefer actively grilling without a lid i.e. for sausage, meat pieces, toasted sandwiches, corn on the cob/mushroom/potato in tinfoil and bread.
For larger things like leg roasts or whole birds etc then a lid is necessary. I wouldn't not buy a weber just because it had a lid, I think they are great little things - open all vents for a convection through flow and bung lid on - it's just not the way I enjoy.
You are preaching to the choir on the decent coals front. I wouldn't touch gas under any circumstances.
Not sure why you would assume gas and a lid / kettle go together.
I was referring to some gash wannabe piece of equipment like this
It is not about doing the same thing as an oven, it is about barbecuing better - creating more succulent food and having more versatility.
I absolutely agree except I think you forgot a word in that sentence...
"It is not about doing the same thing as an oven, it is about barbecuing
being better - creating more succulent food and having more versatility.
I'm just a fanboi of brick braai's, even simpler ones like this
there is space to store wood and, because it's a semi permanent structure, it creates a nice social focal point - lidless and all
some more nice examples in a earlier post of mine
It's the one thing I really really miss by leaving SA