So, given i'd largely done the breaking down and the kit had been ready for some time, i arranged to go and pick it up, a 350 mile round trip from Newcastle.
I booked a LWB transit type of thing through Enterprise for 8.30 in the morning but got a phone call the night before to say there had been a mistake so the van wouldn't be ready until 9.30-10. No worries, i just made sure if the worst came to the worst and i was delayed i could take it back the next morning at no cost, which they were more than happy to agree to.
However i eventually got the van at 10.30 so the manager, without prompting, knocked 20% of the bill and gave me £31 of additional inurance for free.
Reasonably happy with the way they dealt with it, my daughter (7) and i set off, chucking enough diesel in for a range of 190 miles as we left Newcastle, figuring i'd see what i used and then make sure i had enough to get home without leaving them gallons in the tank.
A pretty uneventful trip and we arrive in a tiny little commercial park, very Centre Parcs like, tree lined single track roads and all that. Realised the sat nav had got me lost so turned round in a little car park. Doing so i brushed some trees with the top of the van but thought nothing of it (i'll come back to that...)
After a couple of minutes i find MEV Headquarters and pull in, do a 3 point turn and reverse up to the gates, at which point i smell diesel, a lot, and see it all over the road.
A quick look under the bonnet and the fuel filter is spraying diesel everywhere, it must have let go as i arrived, there was no way I'd driven all that way with that much diesel leaking.
I call the AA and they put me in touch with VW Assist, i ring them and tell them i know what the fault is, i can see the diesel coming out and they have already issued a recall for this fault, so please send a new fuel filter. No. The guy turns up an hour and a half later, says "I need a new fuel filter" and disappears for another hour and a half.
By now my daughter is bored out her mind and, worse, there's no wifi at the factory. And then, i notice that the inconsequential brushing of trees has somehow smashed the rear reflector, lights and cracked the bumper, i have literally no idea how but can only assume it was doing the turn in the small car park.
Finally the van is fixed, loaded and we set off with some diesel the VW Assist guy put in, range is pretty good looking at 70 miles so i chuck another bit of diesel in to give me 210 miles and head home.
Within 10 miles the range has dropped by 50 miles, fearing it's still leaking i ring the VW guy who explains (only now) that the gauge will be recalibrating. It finally calms down and i chuck a bit more diesel in to get me home.
We finally arrive back near Newcastle at 20.30, and they've shut the road overnight for repairs, by now my daughter hates me and just wants to be home, the perfect end to a rubbish day!
I drop the van off the following morning and the manager asks me how it was all sorted and apologises profusely. "Hey, i'm not happy, but really the van breaking down isn't your fault. Though i am a bit gutted that someone must have driven into the back of it last night while parked in my street."
To be fair to him he immediately "didn't see" the damage and told me i wouldn't be charged a penny for the rental.
So, i now have a frame and GRP bits in the garage, excuse the picture, it was taken at 22.30 when i finally got the garage door closed.