Burnout Paradise Official Thread

Well, my suspicions were confirmed last night when after only a short session of freeburning and a couple of takedowns - which BTW was only after being taken down first - I received a message full of profanity from a certain player.

Judging from the username/motto this was a girl ( who for some reason thought I was fat :confused: ) who I can only guess has issues with men.

I'm just glad my young daughters - who were watching me play at first - had left the room by the time I opened that message...

Anyway, I take it online games are platform specific? If any PS3 users here want to add me as a Friend, feel free to do so (Username DolbyDigitalTHX).
Have 239/250 challenges done and 100% and have just noticed my timer says I have played for 99 hours!!!!!! 99 hours! I also need to have a vent about the challenges too :)

Please tell me why its so hard to do simple things. E.g. get onto the I88 freeway and boost for 20 seconds, or do a flat spin into the quarry, or even perform a power park. I've had to resort to kicking people as they fail to see the trick with all challenges - follow the huge flashing red circle. I mean some people get lost trying to get onto the expressway bridge and then after making 7 other wait 10 minutes, they give up and quit. so so annoying. The silly thing is, is that all these idiots are in fact American (if a guy called Kookies117 joins your room, kick him for the sake of your sanity - all you have to was one barrel roll, 1 bloody roll. How this guy managed to crash in excess of 15 times in the quarry within 5 minutes is beyond me, if you could only record you pov eh?). I try to avoid all challenges with barrel roll or I88 in the title and they always end in disaster. Don't get me started on xxBLAZ3Rxx or burnsey either.

There's always one person that asks "what do we do" or "where do we go" too. Do they not see a) the flashing red circle or b) the yellow scrolling text on their screen. Its just beyond belief. All the above confirms why I try to avoid playing online with randoms, as it really makes simple things much harder than they should be.

However, I'm getting 250 challenges complete (350 is too hardcore and some of the 8 player challenges sound painful with a room full of randoms) if its the last thing i do :)

Apologies if you've read this far too :)
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Yesterday, Criterion informed (and teased) everyone about upcoming Burnout Paradise downloadable content and finally revealed how exactly they will incorporate DLC without dividing the community. The short answer. Bridges.

Criterion's Alex Ward hopped on the forums to tell everyone that all upcoming Paradise DLC will be bridges that lead off of Paradise City into new DLC worlds and experiences. This of course is a great way to not divide the community, because anyone who doesn't have the DLC simply cannot cross the bridge and instead will remain in Paradise City. Genius! Criterion also dangled a carrot in front of our noses by giving us a video (embedded above) of a new vehicle, The Dust Storm, that'll be included in the next DLC batch. Yummy!


Source: http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/2008/03/08/burnout-paradise-dust-storm-dlc-and-bridges-too/

:D x 1000
Ok I've finally got back to playing Paradise, after sitting it on the shelf for the last few months. I'm odd like this, I'll get a new game, in this case GTA IV, play it for a while, then go back to an older game to complete that !

Anyway i've decided to have a go at all the offline road rules. Do the off-line time on the roads change in direct relation to the type of car you are driving or are the times always fixed regardless ? Surely if this is the case, I would be best of getting the quickest car in the game and then just bleating through all the road rules easily ?

Any other PS3 players still play this online ? If so, I would welcome a few multiplayer games with anyone...
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