Bye Bye Game!

19 Feb 2008
just been in game,haven't been i game for 5 month's,one person behind the till when there used to be at least 3,games are very cheap,see modern warfare 3 for £19.99 :)

nearly every game had a sticker on it with a reduced price.
16 Jul 2010
As I've said previously PC declined at retail when the focus shifted to pre-owned, which made PC games less attractive due to DRM and other issues which prevent PC trade-ins.

As for where they went wrong, well if games themselves weren't as profitable could have diversified more into game related merchandise like t-shirts, figures, etc. Essentially like a Forbidden Planet of video games. I'm a sucker for video game related T-Shirts and memorabilia and it's difficult to find a decent selection outside of the internet. The selection of merchandise they do have is too narrow, and only related to a few major franchises.
10 Jan 2011

No way man it's happy days, before xmas I had this convo with the man behind the till.

Me: Can I take a look at those Gears Of War headphones please.

Sales Guys: yes i'll get them for you.

ME: many thanks, "after a quick look" can you please tell me if they are 7.1 or 5.1 headphones as it does not say on the box.

Sales Guy: oooh hmmmm no they are 360 so i guess they only work on the xbox...

I mean come on really, Really.. lol
15 Feb 2009
It was always going to happen. Hard luck on the employees though.
What will happen with warranty regarding preowned things?
Recently bought a preowned Wii as I had gift cards to use up.
22 Mar 2007
No way man it's happy days, before xmas I had this convo with the man behind the till.

Me: Can I take a look at those Gears Of War headphones please.

Sales Guys: yes i'll get them for you.

ME: many thanks, "after a quick look" can you please tell me if they are 7.1 or 5.1 headphones as it does not say on the box.

Sales Guy: oooh hmmmm no they are 360 so i guess they only work on the xbox...

I mean come on really, Really.. lol

Not being funny but even though there's always some less skilled/knowledgeable workers in every place to work, to think it's a `happy day` when thousands of people will lose their incomes & face problems paying for rent/mortgages/food is a sad reflection on you as a person.

Hope you never lose your job or ability to earn an income as I suspect there'll be thousands of ex-Game employees lining up to laugh in your face.

And we wonder why the world's going down the *******. :rolleyes:
30 Jun 2006
its a shame Gamestation ever got caught up with Game, whilst i feel sorry for the game staff to a degree, its the gamestation staff i truly feel sorry for as they actually seem to have an interest in games and offer some decent information/service. Game on the other hand is nothing short of crap.
i hope gamestation get sold off and are able to survive and possibly look at their prices themselves to be a little more competitive.
18 Jun 2003
having read a bit more about this it appears that OpCaptiva have got cold feet they will be closed by end of the week and let's see if anyone has the balls to take them on
31 May 2005

Sad day? **** off.

Sad for those who will lose their jobs through no fault of their own.

Not sad for the money scrounging, prehistoric, refuse to move with the times **** bags who have ran that company into the ground. They deserve everything they get.

They have screwed over us and MANY a developer/publisher along the way.

They have done **** all for the gaming industry other than bleed it for all it is worth in this country.

Once upon a time, they had a good hand and basically threw their weight around.

Times changed, they were left holding a bag of **** but they still insisted on playing it like they were unbeatable.

Their profiteering on second hand games alone was annoying, hardly doing the customer a favour in the battle against overpriced publishers were they. They managed to **** off both the consumers AND the publishers.

Even up till the end, you lied to your customers in the face of impending doom. Sure, you have to keep going but to rip off kids just wanting the latest game is low.

So long Game Group plc, may you burn in hell and your ashes rot down even further.

You were a relic of a time gone by.

1991 - 2012
Here lies Game Group PLC.
Good riddance and good night.


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10 Jan 2011
Not being funny but even though there's always some less skilled/knowledgeable workers in every place to work, to think it's a `happy day` when thousands of people will lose their incomes & face problems paying for rent/mortgages/food is a sad reflection on you as a person.

Hope you never lose your job or ability to earn an income as I suspect there'll be thousands of ex-Game employees lining up to laugh in your face.

And we wonder why the world's going down the *******. :rolleyes:

This is the best thing that could happen to Game, they shouldnt recruit staff without giving any sort of training, I do feel for sorry for the people thats going to be made jobless, but I am not sorry for the company going under they deserve it, A rip of company that thought they could take the **** out of the puplic.

No doubt Gamestop will buy them out once gone into Administration and once a lot of the debt has been wiped out.
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10 Jan 2011
On the plus side, We might finally be able to pick up some bargains as they sell off stock to pay suppliers and such, That woud be the first time in years they have done something right for the customers lol.. i'm gonna go down in the next few days and pick my fair share off the bones..
10 Jan 2011
I doubt the sale will be as good as you wish though....they are so far in debt they need to make some money

You could be right, but selling games and hardware on the cheap now will make some money and thats far better then the no money they are currently making :D
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