I've been drinking far too many equivalents of three heaped spoons of instant coffee per mug over the last few months, especially on days off work, where I can easily go through 5-8 mugs by the time I have the final one of the day around 1600.
This morning, I tried something I've not done in ages, waking at ~0745 and not drinking a mug before my bowl of cereal in the first ~30mins of getting up. I waited until ~0900 and to be fair, I didn't feel too bad for waiting a while. Thought I'd try it after reading about how our cortisol levels are quite high when we get up and that should be better than a caffeine drink to keep us alert until mid morning, as many of us tend to suffer a tiredness if we have a mug first thing because it reduces cortisol levels.
This morning, I tried something I've not done in ages, waking at ~0745 and not drinking a mug before my bowl of cereal in the first ~30mins of getting up. I waited until ~0900 and to be fair, I didn't feel too bad for waiting a while. Thought I'd try it after reading about how our cortisol levels are quite high when we get up and that should be better than a caffeine drink to keep us alert until mid morning, as many of us tend to suffer a tiredness if we have a mug first thing because it reduces cortisol levels.