Call of duty Black ops 6

Didn't realise this was on Gamepass so quickly signed up for a month to check out BLOPs. I haven't played since BLOPS2 and... not much has changed :)
I'm enjoying the campaign, although it took a heck of a lot of tweaking to get it to 1. Even run and 2. Save.

Played 4 hours of it the first night and then came back the next day with no resume option. Followed a load of online tips to try to fix but in the end I reinstalled it on my C: drive which seems to have fixed it. I still had to start again but at least it worked.

Had a few rounds in multiplayer and that game is the exact same as every other COD. Which is fine and good. I had no idea how to even throw a grenade in the first hour or so. Had to google the keys.. how the hell is it not 'G' like every other FPS?
I also couldn't work out how to switch loadouts and got stuck with the same one all round. It's, again, thanks to google that I found it in the esc menu? What a weird choice. Should be under Tab surely?

Anyway, sounds like a hate post but it's not and I'm still enjoying it all :)
been playing multiplayer. I have had no real problems crashing etc. Had a day of errors (A few days in) then updated and seemed to sort ifself. Every so often seems to reset itself, can't skip cut scenes and makes me reaccept the fair play thing.

Got to the top level but no interest in the presitge thing. The start wallhack with the recon seems a bit overpowered get an easy kill half the times i spawn.
Buy a top top end card and run at medium :rolleyes: ideal!

I might try it though
I totally get it as I have a 3080 but have to run it on low settings to get it not to crash. The reduction doesn't seem to change much anyway and I would rather have the game not crash and until they fix it that is what I have to do.
What's the state of affairs here. I haven't touched COD since the original warzone. I'm keen to try the BP6 warzone coming out this Thursday.
What launcher do I use?
What's the state of affairs here. I haven't touched COD since the original warzone. I'm keen to try the BP6 warzone coming out this Thursday.
What launcher do I use?

Honestly works fine on gamepass (usually) but sometimes takes 30 seconds for my launcher to get going.

If you don't play it 24/7 Xbox app cheapest place to get it after all.

I'm enjoying Nuke Town due to Nostalgia mainly at the moment, forgot the rest of the game exists.

Will switch to Warzone for 95% of my time on the game whenever that drops.
Graphics are good, especially on campaign. I'm on the 4th mission I think and enjoying it. Played some multiplayer but it's not for me anymore. Zombies was fun though.
I still havent played the campaign for MW3, i did play MW2 campaign, i liked the shooty bits, but the other parts, in the planes, hanging from the rope, trying to build the thing at the end etc... really did my head in.
The campaign is genuinely creepy in places. Enough so that if I bother farming money I'll be avoiding the scary missions :)
I'm still yet to try the campaign, i struggle with single player games keeping my attention.

I hate the multiplayer... yet im still playing it to grind skins... fml.
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Anyone having crashes on a 7900xtx?

I've had no problems with my 7900xt but tried the xtx in 2 different systems and they both crash after about 3 rounds. I've tried setting the fabs to 100% to rule out temperature issues.

Not a single crash in any game other than Far Cry New Dawn.
Finished the campaign the other day, it's not too bad. Don't think I'll bother with MP, gunplay just feels a bit funky to me but has always been a bit off for treyarch games for me.
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