Call of duty Black ops 6

The next Black Ops 6 double XP weekend begins on Wednesday, November 27. Based on previous events, we expect the update to go live at 6pm

Stakeout 24/7 core and Stakeout 24/7 HC are back during promotion
You can get rid of the 'death effects' by turning of Gore/Dismemberment' in Network & Account settings.

Battlepass explained:

"The free Battle Pass: Available to all players, the free Battle Pass includes several rewards.
With this version of the Battle Pass, you will not earn Battle Pass Tokens.
Instead, rewards are unlocked in numerical order through normal gameplay."
I'm loving this COD, even more than Cold War (and I was totally addicted to that). I miss the little icons that show the other players input devices, interesting to see quite a few Xbox players with keyboard and mouse, you can usually gauge how sweaty it's going to be if the entire list was mouse icons. I've made Prestige 5, permanently unlocked Perk Greed, Ninja and Tac Mask, most people on Core seem to use Stim and enforcer so it's been quite easy to concuss them. I wish you could pick any perk from any section with Perk Greed as I'd ideally like Ninja, Tac Mask and Flac Jacket.
Been enjoying this, finally unlocked the GPR and enjoying letting loose with it.

On the flip side, 3 out of 5 games I've been in tonight have been filled with hackers, sigh.
Why does it take so long to shutdown the game now? Sometimes I cant be bothered (like just now) and kill it in task manager instead.

Warzone still feels like there are many hackers but multiplayer the games are a lot more fair (but still hard, which is good) If only they introduced a paid version of Warzone with active monitoring for hackers/cheaters. Keep the free version, all the hackers can play in the same game - best hacks win?!
Why does it take so long to shutdown the game now? Sometimes I cant be bothered (like just now) and kill it in task manager instead.

Warzone still feels like there are many hackers but multiplayer the games are a lot more fair (but still hard, which is good) If only they introduced a paid version of Warzone with active monitoring for hackers/cheaters. Keep the free version, all the hackers can play in the same game - best hacks win?!
It doesn't take long to shutdown for me, try verifying the files or reinstalling it.

It would be faster to kill the process with a batch file rather than task manager, just paste this in notepad and save it as a .bat file.
@echo off
TASKKILL /F /IM cod.exe
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Just bought this, multiplayer is good, enjoying that. Went into warzone and cannot kill anyone, maybe my guns are just rubbish, or are they
Just bought this, multiplayer is good, enjoying that. Went into warzone and cannot kill anyone, maybe my guns are just rubbish, or are they
First game of ranked play multiplayer. Really fun so far, was on Vault map on 'Control' game style.
Its much much more fun with TK auto enabled and other things like suspension for team killing if you continue doing it.
Hit registration seems to be waaaaay off on this (for our small group of guys that play it anyway). There have been so many moments of "where the hell are my bullets going" recently. I really enjoy the game in its current guise (minus the daft omni-movement) but the hit reg issues are so frustrating.

And cheaters of course. Had 7 "Thank you for reporting, we've taken action against the player" messages this last week. We sometimes spectate these cheaters only to find they come up against other cheaters in the end game :mad:
I've got 2 days remaining of gold pass. Probably will end up buying the game. Diamond assault rifles and slowly working through the SMGs now.
Also, this weekends "Double XP" has been far from double XP. To the point where I think its broken and actually giving you less than normal XP.
How come some of the multiplayer games we're in are against people that are level 1 but are incredibly good? I have the feeling there's some VNP and new account action going so people join the easier games.

Very sad if so. Surely the point of playing is for satisfaction and to get better. Not really the same if you cheat or use a technique to join easier lobbies. I really enjoy the hard games that are really close - 99/100 very close ranked / search and destroy games.
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