Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Yeah there is basically zero information on it when you start. I feel others who have played Warzone have a basic idea but I went in completely green and had to learn from scratch. Really enjoying it now though and up to level 39 after the weekends XP boosting.

Gear up, dive in in a group of 3 and stick with them. You can go on your own but its hard at first. You have 45 minutes to do what you need to to and get out via exfill helicopter which you can see on your map with the little exit door icons. When the 45 is up it sets a 15 minute count down where the cloud starts creeping across the map. The zombies within it are super high level so if the cloud doesn't get you, they will.
Do contracts in tier 1 in order to get 5,000 essence. Once you get that much go to a pack a punch machine and upgrade your gun, then you'll be better suited to go into tier 2 where 10k essence gets you an upgrade. The better gear is in here too, 2 and 3 plate armour vests plus bigger backpacks.
Some contracts are easier than others, the ones with mercs are the harder ones. Other players will also be looking for the easy ones so get there first.
The gear you find and carry can be brought out with you upon successful exfil which includes the armour vests, backpacks, self revive kits and mods. Any gun you bring back with you will be unlocked form then on in your armoury for use across all forms of MP. If you die or miss the last chopper you lose the lot. Play around with the perks and the weapon upgrades and put them in your load out for each run. They are one time use and last the duration of that particular run so pop em as soon as you rope down.
It's pretty hectic at first but once you extract a few gun upgrades it gives you a leg up on your next run and then tier 1 becomes a bit of a cruise, allows you more time to orientate yourself and familiarise yourself with the mechanics.
Thank you - that's a brilliant summary!

Still getting shafted by the SBMM - lowest rank I've come across is 27 and I'm only a plebby 14. I'm getting hammered K/D wise in pretty much every game so expected to drop down to a more suitable 'level'. I've resorted to just playing objectives and racking up a decent score so I'm wondering if that's what's causing me to stay with the better players.
Hi all, I'm at the end of my tether with mw2 on Xbox series x as they've crippled the amount of split screen you can play. It's the only way I play it.

Paging my old cod buddy @Soulja

Few questions about mw3 please:

1) can you change your loadout mid game?
2) can you play quickplay local split screen?
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You can definitely change load out, I also think that you can play quick play local split screen but wait for someone else to confirm, if they haven’t by tomorrow I’ll check.
You can definitely change load out, I also think that you can play quick play local split screen but wait for someone else to confirm, if they haven’t by tomorrow I’ll check.
So I went for it, can definitely play Split screen quick play, but we can't change our loadouts mid game!?!?? Can you definitely do it?

Just googled it and believe it or not it's a bug in split screen
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Damn, I didn't think that would be an issue at all, it's usually just there on the pause menu to change whenever you want. Loadout refreshes on next death. Hope its patched for you soon.
No, I got a bloody 200GB "patch" because it wants to redownload the full game. Then when I cancelled the download it deleted my entire game :(:mad:

Sometimes smart deployment isn’t so smart. Had it quite a bit on my Series X where it wants to download the entire game again. Happened with various games.

PS5 isn’t as bad but has weird cache requirements where it often wants much more free space than the size of the download.
Oh my days ive never played such a cod like MW2 & MW3 where the guns are sooooooooo inconsistent , all these class setups and attachments is BULL
Never had this on the old cod like MW2 & MW3 back in the day if you are old enough to remember but they was far from perfect but they was soooooo much better and simple to set up a gun class , now its all numbers and ect , everybody was on the same level , now its just luck to kill
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