Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Hi bud, I had some problems like this recently.
Long story short, I found out it was my memory playing up.
Would be a bit of cooincidence if you had the same problem.
Have you messed around with memory timings/speeds recently?
Or changed memory perhaps?

(I changed from 16 to 32gb and was having problems with set of sticks I had so sent them back to the jungle people and got some different sticks, all is well now.

What PC specs you got by the way?

Sorry should have put them in! Haven't touched anything to do with timings/speed.

Ram: 16GB Corsair VENGEANCE DDR4 2133
GPU: 1770 ti
CPU: i5 7600k

Seems to be fine for a while then times it will happen every half hour.
How does the Armory work? I've got a load of skins in there but can only use a few of them. How do you use the rest of them?

Go to Loadouts > Weapon Category (eg SMGs) > On the right hand side of some of the weapons there will be a little armoury logo > Click that and your blueprints will come up :)

Skins are selected in the loadout screen when you're choosing your attachment, there is another tab at the top

Yeah exactly this! I can get season 3 up to level 60 with all the unlocks and enough for seaosn 4!


Did this tonight and got 1100bp! Looking forward to Season 4 when it drops :D
Go to Loadouts > Weapon Category (eg SMGs) > On the right hand side of some of the weapons there will be a little armoury logo > Click that and your blueprints will come up :)

Skins are selected in the loadout screen when you're choosing your attachment, there is another tab at the top

Did this tonight and got 1100bp! Looking forward to Season 4 when it drops :D

Thanks but how come I can't choose half of the skins there that are in my Armory?
I dont think the weapons bars mean crap in this game. An example

Uzi with FFS Carbine barrel, .41 AE 32 roung mag can 1 shot kill in hardcore
The Holger with XRK ultralight and standard ammo cannot

Am I going crazy here. The damage and range bars are much higher on the Holger than the Uzi. Either the Uzi damage is buffed, the Holger is nads or the bars are just completely wrong

Save and compare the two

1 shot kill

2 or 3 shot kill
Vsync in game to off.
And if you go into the ncp under manage 3d settings (same menu as vsync) there should be a "max frame rate" option which you can set.
Frame limiter ingame set to unlimited. Let NCP do the frame limiting. Set it to around 140.
And set the refresh ingame to 144 of course.

Hope thats clear!

Cheers mate this sorted it! @Cavallino I think it was actually the NV frame limiter that's sorted it.
Any idea when S4 is due? Haven’t played in a few weeks now! Maxed out S3 and nothing left to unlock apart from Obsidian camouflages
Constantly receiving Dev 6068 error, any other recommendations? I have tried the following but with no success.

- default gpu clocks
- added -d3d11-
- limited frames to 100

I had this issue with ray tracing on and a gpu over lock. After some testing I turned down my gpu overclock and it was sorted. As soon as I turned the gpu overclock back up with ray tracing on the error returned. So for me looks like it was a Ray tracing gpu overclock issue.
I had this issue with ray tracing on and a gpu over lock. After some testing I turned down my gpu overclock and it was sorted. As soon as I turned the gpu overclock back up with ray tracing on the error returned. So for me looks like it was a Ray tracing gpu overclock issue.

Sounds to me like GPU overheating issue. RT put a shed load of additional usage/heat on the GPU. This would be even more noticable when using FPS limit for gsync (e.g. 90fps max with RT off and my GPU runs are something like 60-80%. With RT on its 80-100%)
Dev 6068 error is just a corruption of the battlenet and Warzone profile, easily sort-able by deleting it and letting the game make a new one! :)
So I put the finishing touches to my new rig today - 3700X <> X570 <> 5700XT

Launched Warzone and was pleased to see my framerate much improved over my 1070.

Then it happened. Stutter, fine for 3 seconds, stutter, fine for 3 seconds, stutter... Google shows I'm not alone but searching for a fix is migraine-inducing.

I've fixed it for now, by restarting the PC, but I don't want to play Warzone in fear that it's going to return. Any advice?
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