It wasn't part of the Brexit negotiations.Welcome.
it always seems that the UK content distribution is poor. I wonder if it's simply because europe is all online and fighting for the same bandwidth or if we are just the poor cousins who get a tiny pipe.
You guys using proper paid for VPNs?
Saw this online (Gamerjournalist) but no idea what it is actually doing so backup the original!Still receiving this error, more often it seems. Even tried the fixes below as well.
- underclocked gpu
- deleted Modern Warfare profile in Documents (Multiple times)
- disabled game bar
Literally seems like there is no other fixes to try
Yeah even setting Asia and it's going super slow. currently at 51.13KB/s 43.03GB remaining
Love this game. Hated the downloads.
It seems to make no difference to me what region I switch too, it's terrible speeds.
if you dl speed is bad on eu just swap to a quiet region. im on asia at moment pretty decent speed eu is like 15 kb.
Mine is at 150kbs. Its been running all day. Restarting and changing region makes no difference. Terrible