Getting sick of this game, hit reg is awful.
Also I play hardcore and sometimes I get 2-3 hits on a guy, they spin round and kill me instantly, I just was using the Oden as I'm levelling it up, it's a powerful gun and I experienced this.
So many campers, every game.
Most of the maps are horrible made worse with all the camping spots
I miss dedicated servers so much
Accurately shooting whilst falling from the sky is surely bs
The spawns are horrendous, the amount of times I've spawned into fire, or my team mate spawns in front of my and I kill him thinking it's an enemy.
This is a short list off the top of my head, so much is broken and bugged, yet they only seem interested in adding more pointless tat so idiots spend more money.
Edit - speeding up during a slide, what is that all about? Don't they realise how friction works?