After my own heart, exactly the same gripes I have.
Hardcore - I actually went from Hardcore back to vanilla recently... and its uncanny that I am ploughing more bullets into the enemy but still get owned. But in HC, I seem to come out on top... its bizzare....
Campers - Um.. heheRecently I started to enjoy camping, its great fun honestly
To have the thermal scopes long range and see an enemy and headshot them from far.... its a turn on
Dedicated Servers - absolutely spot on.
Accurate shooting while falling from Sky - yep!
Spawns - hit and miss, but more miss than hit!
Speed up while sliding - ROFLMAO! Now that you mention it, you're absolutely right!
I have to say hitboxes are terrible on this game... I slowed down a Warzone youtubers video the other day.... he was ploughing bullets into an enemy, when I slow down the video, his crosshair was probably 90% of the time not trained on enemy and yet he was getting hit registers.
Regardless of the above.... I have not played a game in the last 5 years as much as I have CoDMW, best £30 spent inspite of the flaws.
I agree with everything here. Despite the few annoyances, it's still the only game I have played (ever) to keep me entertained for this many hours.
Hit boxes point, im sure the pad players have much wider hit markers to make it easier