Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

After my own heart, exactly the same gripes I have.

Hardcore - I actually went from Hardcore back to vanilla recently... and its uncanny that I am ploughing more bullets into the enemy but still get owned. But in HC, I seem to come out on top... its bizzare....
Campers - Um.. hehe :D Recently I started to enjoy camping, its great fun honestly :) To have the thermal scopes long range and see an enemy and headshot them from far.... its a turn on :p
Dedicated Servers - absolutely spot on.
Accurate shooting while falling from Sky - yep!
Spawns - hit and miss, but more miss than hit!
Speed up while sliding - ROFLMAO! Now that you mention it, you're absolutely right!

I have to say hitboxes are terrible on this game... I slowed down a Warzone youtubers video the other day.... he was ploughing bullets into an enemy, when I slow down the video, his crosshair was probably 90% of the time not trained on enemy and yet he was getting hit registers.

Regardless of the above.... I have not played a game in the last 5 years as much as I have CoDMW, best £30 spent inspite of the flaws.

I agree with everything here. Despite the few annoyances, it's still the only game I have played (ever) to keep me entertained for this many hours.
Hit boxes point, im sure the pad players have much wider hit markers to make it easier
I only play free WZ so can't complain too much but there are a few niggles that frustrate.
I've come to think that hit reg isn't as inconsistent as first thought, I think it's the sound & graphical cues when you are being hit that's bugged. I'll get 3-4 hits on a palyer and feel like I've barely been touched yet die. When watching their kill cam, from their POV they've landed 5-6!
Same issue with things like vehicles sounding 100m away and then bam, you are run over.

Ref hitboxes, it seems that guns often have less actual recoil than it looks. If you look at recoil patterns they are more accurate than the visual recoil would suggest and as such, it's probably not the hitboxes that are an issue (though they may be bugged too).

That, & the Grau laser beam impact enjoyment the most. Can't wait for that to get some actual recoil or some other nerf.
Ref. campers, in WZ at least I think the map is extremely well designed to ensure there are basically no places that you can cover all sight lines except the odd cupboard which leaves you ripe for a grenade.
I played ground war yesterday using the GRAU and on PC I am amazed at how much of laserbeam it is, like I’m not even joking I was just holding fire and no recoil at all! The setup I have is insane
They do need to nerf the GRAU recoil or damage. It is rather silly. I tried it too and it is a laserbeam but can't bring myself to use it as don't want to be like the sheep.
I use a 4x scoped Holger in Warzone. The below. Great fun taking out whole Quad squads by myself without reloading (100 round drum) :D

Grau is ridiculous, and the irons on the Archangel barrel are cleaner with better visibility than many of the 1x optics! Its at the point now where not running a Grau puts you at a disadvantage, nothing else really comes close. Devs have said they are going to be rebalancing that gun.
Yeah it's an amalgamation of things that make it particularly strong, as the fire rate & damage aren't exceptional for an AR but the lack of recoil, strong range (damage doesn't drop off much up to 80m odd) and the clear irons (meaning 1 slot freed up for mobility attachments) makes it the best WZ gun by a considerable margin.

They have said a nerf will come but as part of a wider gun re-balancing so it'll be interesting to see what that entails.
As above, I refuse to use it (and don't want to rely on something with an imminent nerf) so have been ranking up some I've gotten on with when picked up in game (RAM, M13 & FAL for ARs).
All have their strengths but probably RAM suits my play style best as I tend to avoid long range engagements unless playing solo (RAM7 & Kar being my overkill loadout of choice).
If in a trio / quad that likes to engage anywhere, I'd go M13 or maybe FAL for the better distance (running ghost).

Not that the guns make enough of a difference whilst I still forget to re-armour in the middle of a firefight!
Have you tried M4A1 with SOCOM rounds? Reduces capacity to 10 rounds but they absolutely slap and its still full auto. Very fun to use, but with only 10 rounds you can't afford to miss a shot.
I'd seen that. Doesn't sound great for Warzone tbh. Maybe ok for solo's actually but yes, not many to miss.
Might be better with something like an Oden or Galil if you like extra power.
Oden doesn't come close to the SOCOM rounds TTK due to the fire rate. I wouldn't run it all the time, but personally I get bored of using the same guns every round, I just found the M4 with SOCOM rounds to be rather fun to use. Looking at the stats it does have the fastest TTK out of any AR by quite a margin against an enemy with full armor.
Oden doesn't come close to the SOCOM rounds TTK due to the fire rate. I wouldn't run it all the time, but personally I get bored of using the same guns every round, I just found the M4 with SOCOM rounds to be rather fun to use. Looking at the stats it does have the fastest TTK out of any AR by quite a margin against an enemy with full armor.

I'm the same, i swap in MP all the time from SCAR to AMAX, to Fennec, to Grau (just had a round) to Striker, to M4A1... I might try the Kar98 though loadout of choice currently is the AMAX and FAL (AMAX primary, iron sight. FAL 4x flip hydrid) I love the Oden too by the ROF is a bit rubbish
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