Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

I really can't notice any difference with Ray Tracing on or off in Warzone personally! Left it off for now. I usually average around 120fps with the same settings as guest2 but at 2560 x 1440. I do sometimes get dips to 70-80 in really taxing areas. I'd be interested to see how the 3000 series handles this game.
Gotcha Guest, good point about the 120/144Hz!

Sorry for another question, is it me or does "Gsync" seem to become "unsynced" whenever it dips below 70fps?
Never has for me, ill try with monitor hz displayed and play a few mp games in the hope of getting picadilly to see
Edit, menu locjed at 60fps its in sync
Edit2, nope sync locks to fps below 70
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Seems like they have messed up plunder now. There is a lot more money in the loot boxes now so reaching a million take about 3-4 mins!

I did a solo game just to see how much cash I could get just from loot boxes with no kills or contracts. £1.4 million! Its broken :D
Seems like they have messed up plunder now. There is a lot more money in the loot boxes now so reaching a million take about 3-4 mins!

I did a solo game just to see how much cash I could get just from loot boxes with no kills or contracts. £1.4 million! Its broken :D

Hmm, seems normal to me. Just played a solo game and only hit 800k with a few kills and 20+ boxes around lumber/farmland area.
"Unable to access online services"

I'm getting this every night now. What a truly crap game made by a crap company. How do they mess it up so badly...
Lol, had about 40 games today. Mix of different MP, BR Solo, BR Trios, BR Quads, Mini Royale and 1 plunder game. No issues with any of them
You sure your ISP isnt at fault? When I couldnt access online service my ISP was playing up
I went from 60Hz to 144Hz and it was an absolute game changer. Im still rubbish at it though :D
60fps used to be the dream a few years back.
Mohaa i barely broke 30-40fps with a 60hz monitor but used to win games all the time. k/d ratio i would often be 15/1 in games

This was when it was marksman / snipers all the time too, no killstreaks, field upgrades or mines of any sort.

There will be an advantage but its far better just being a good player.
I always think it’s similar to sports equipment, if you gave me tiger woods clubs i wouldnt play like him. If you gave Bolt some old leather trainers he could still beat me in a race!
Hmm, seems normal to me. Just played a solo game and only hit 800k with a few kills and 20+ boxes around lumber/farmland area.

It definitely seems broken :D Every game I have played now lasts only 5-6 mins before overtime kicks in. It may be that they have added a load more loot boxes as well. The hangars at the airport seem to have 4-5 boxes in whereas there used to only be a couple. I had a game last night where they hit 1 mil in 3 minutes!
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