Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Do many of you play WZ? I am in and out of it but only ever with randoms so I don't feel like I am ever improving.
Yep, only game I play other than stuff on my retro win98 machine.
I build up quite a few ‘random’ friends just by playing with randoms. Mostly play with people ive had as friends for years but a couple joined our games as randoms. A couple weeks ago we all went on a night out (real life day / night out) Cracking night too
Im confused. You quested me saying this "I thought the only AR nerfs were to the AMAX and FARA? (which did need nerfing)" hence me saying the only AR nerfs were the AMAX and FARA

Exactly, you said "I thought" therefore I sent you the link to confirm the changes... not quite sure why you are confused. Also the link is there for anyone who wants to check.
These changes are what the game needed, there are lots of options now and SMG's are more viable as close up shooters instead of the AR's.
The new CARV tactical rifle actually feels better for low to mid range rather than long range like the M16 and I've been using the KSP recently and it's good fun.
These changes are what the game needed, there are lots of options now and SMG's are more viable as close up shooters instead of the AR's.
The new CARV tactical rifle actually feels better for low to mid range rather than long range like the M16 and I've been using the KSP recently and it's good fun.
The CARV does sound interesting but it’ll probably takes me ages to unlock it without Coldwar. Unlocking some of the Coldwar guns in plunder / BR only is a chore. I refuse to buy Coldwar as the engine is so bad in comparison to Modern Warfare.
It’s also so annoying you cant save weapon custom blueprints for Coldwar but you can Modern Warfare
Do many of you play WZ? I am in and out of it but only ever with randoms so I don't feel like I am ever improving.

I play warzone and have a few friends who play all 30-50 they have been playing for a while I have only been taking it seriously for a few weeks

and when battlefield comes we was running 2-3 squads

can send you discord link if you want
Wish I could join a more structured group but my PC has to be in our living space so it disturbs the women chatting to teammates :(

I seem to have really mixed fortunes with Warzone. Usually fairly competent at FPS but sometimes I just feel ambushed and helpless. I realised my 1070 was choking a bit (I game at 1440p) so I've nuked my settings and now get 60+FPS. Didn't realise it was such a heavy game but it has helped with some scenarios where I was clearly lagging at my end.

I miss old Battlefield, it just felt more open and a little more relaxed so I'll see what comes later this year for that. Hopefully they move away from historical and go to near future or modern style.
The CARV does sound interesting but it’ll probably takes me ages to unlock it without Coldwar. Unlocking some of the Coldwar guns in plunder / BR only is a chore. I refuse to buy Coldwar as the engine is so bad in comparison to Modern Warfare.
It’s also so annoying you cant save weapon custom blueprints for Coldwar but you can Modern Warfare
This, many times over. I had a go on Coldwar during the recent free few days of play, and my gosh is it a horrendous looking mess - it looks extremely dated, like something from 5-10 years ago.

The lack of saving weapon blueprints means I tend to stick to MW guns, even though their movement speeds appear to be much slower than CW. Having to rebuild each gun whenever you want to try something out is a royal faff.

I do maintain loadouts of the CW AK, Bullfrog, Uzi and some shotguns though, as they're beastly.
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