Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Well the devs have even said if you aren't the best at MKB then you'll be in for a rough time. I'll find the quote.
Essentially they have made it strong to attract new players.

I've already posted this one but thought I would post again.

As for speed hacks there are a couple of attachments that can dramatically speed up your movement just now for vanguard smg's.
The skeletal front grip and the taped rear grip.
I set a loadout with the new SMG (Marco) with these attachments and then used other fast moving attachments and the running speed is ridiculous, they will surely nerf this very soon.
As for speed hacks there are a couple of attachments that can dramatically speed up your movement just now for vanguard smg's.
The skeletal front grip and the taped rear grip.
I set a loadout with the new SMG (Marco) with these attachments and then used other fast moving attachments and the running speed is ridiculous, they will surely nerf this very soon.
So they’re not ‘hacks’ just people being smart with whats available in gunsmith. Similar to when people found out in MW the merc grip increased movement speed
I'm sure the more I play this game, the more it annoys me sometimes.
Getting killed to people waving their gun around like its Harry Potters wand and somehow killing me with a headshot!?
I ran in behind someone earlier looking out a window, I start blasting and he still managed to turn around and kill me first. Infuriating at times!
You need clean kills or people often manage to escape or react and kill you. High fireratevto the head or my trusty HDR to the head does the trick.
Serpentine also helps people get away which is a useful perk
You need clean kills or people often manage to escape or react and kill you. High fireratevto the head or my trusty HDR to the head does the trick.
Serpentine also helps people get away which is a useful perk
It could have been lag to be fair. nearly half a clip went into his back from a wellgun and didn't even break all his armour. It felt like I was two tapped by his NZ41 before my untimely death.

Saying that, I feel I've been getting a lot more higher kill games in the new map.
I dont want it to be a mil sim, but weeding out all this BS would make the game a lot better. A "tape grip" shouldnt make you run quicker, sliding around all over the place should have some disadvantages. yes, your more difficult to hit, but at the expense of something else. They should get rid of the Aim assist too, or add it to mouse and keyboard to make it fair. Loads of steamers etc use controller and are much better than i will ever be, so there is no need to give them an advantage.
I think the problem with the aim assist currently is that its not only slow down aim assist but rotational aim assist which makes it look like aim bot. Agree that sliding cancelling should probably have an ADS penalty or something but sounds like there will be something like that in Warzone 2.
Indeed! Ive switched back to the M13 and HDR on the new resurgency map.
Might try the Rytec AMR with explosive rounds. All the newbies wont know what hit em!
Someone killed in me in town, on the killcam they had glitched and was stick under the map killing everyone in a part of town under a big stairwell
Why have they not sorted some of the bugs that have been around for years in this game?
20 minutes into a game of solos I bought another loadout. It froze for around 3 seconds when I selected my loadout option, in that time someone spotted me stood like a statue next to the loadout crate.
When it unfroze, I was dead :mad:
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