Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

It's clunky, the play area of the conquest/battlefield mode is pretty damn small etc. It feels like a game made by an Indie company cashing in on the Battle genre, like World War 3
WW3 is actually a good game, open beta happening soon , devs a bit dodgy in terms of talking to us but gunplay is top tier.
Havent played this cod yet so cant comment on that :)
Makes me use the latest optional AMD drivers which completely Bork my system for playing video, web browsing everything.

Played for a few hours, really didn't like it personally.
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Played couple rounds of groundwar, is ok but not worth £60. Makes my GPU wortk hard as well, so noisy.
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Just gave the open beta a try on PS5,not too bad although its nothing really new tbh, Same old same old that we have had in the past 5 billion cods :D

I wonder if the BR portion of the game will be free or not?. Personally i think it should be a stand alone paid for..that way it will deter quite a few cheaters if its £20 a pop.

Just read an article too about "Infinity Ward to Begin Banning Modern Warfare 2 Beta Hackers"
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Just gave the open beta a try on PS5,not too bad although its nothing really new tbh, Same old same old that we have had in the past 5 billion cods :D

I wonder if the BR portion of the game will be free or not?. Personally i think it should be a stand alone paid for..that way it will deter quite a few cheaters if its £20 a pop.

Just read an article too about "Infinity Ward to Begin Banning Modern Warfare 2 Beta Hackers"
Good, Seen a few already!
I quite like the game so far but nly been playing TDM. Old school gaming makes me stick to these sort of modes rather than ground war on COD. I agree though, Warzone should be paid for @Guest2 has said similar also.
My thoughts on MW2 beta:

Movement is way too slow - makes the game feel clunky.

Graphics look old and tired - little improvement since MW in 2019 and look worse than 2020 cold war, which is surprising given the next gen hardware we have now.

Game feels like a re-skin/DLC - getting us to buy the same game again at full price which at £60 is a lot more than COD usually costs.

12 player maps feel slightly too big and the maps are uninspiring.

Third person player modes - I just don't see the point in this - why not just add zoom out scroll wheel on regular modes?

Groundwar - 64 players is a clear rip off of Battlefield Conquest - it's good fun, my preferred mode in this game but it is no where near as good as Battlefield - despite the large scale battles the first thing you notice is the lack of destruction and lack of team work, no revives, no ammo or medical drops, (it really is team deathmatch on a conquest map). Getting in tanks and helicopters there are no gunner positions. I had a lot of fun playing Groundwar today, then I went and played Battlefield 4 and realised how bad COD GW is in comparison.

The numerous round based modes (no respawns - why would anyone want to spend their game time watching others play?) don't interest me but they will satisfy the counterstrike fans.

Yes I realise it's beta but the game feels like a game from an indie dev rather than a polished AAA+ title, no better than Insurgency Sandstorm. Some of the graphics animations (like tanks for example) are really bad.

Finally despite the high price it looks like the game will have a lot of content.

I think I will give this one a miss when it comes out and stick to COD Cold War and Battlefield 1/3/4/5/2042
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I'm enjoying it for the most part but I'm getting a reminder of what I don't like the Core playlist and stick to HC. Shame it's not in the beta
I'd love to actually try this Beta... Not played COD in years!

However, it seems that my hardware isn't compatible! All I'm getting is issues. Crashing to desktop in menus, crashing to desktop loading into match, crashing to desktop firing a weapon... And also when moving around, it seems to stick to moving forward and then I can't change it, can't stop running forward, can't aim my rifle or fire etc. Just constant constant issues. I've re-installed the game multiple times, DDU my graphics drivers and re-installled. I've even switched keyboards and removed my overclock!
Tried again. As above it’s a £60 reskin! Already Refunded.

The usual game modes are unchanged. Camp, kill streak, win.

Need to play Ground War hadn’t even realised that was in the beta!

Plus you really need to grind to get the unlocks. Some of the guns I have picked up are SO much better than what you start with.
I'm loving the comments about lack of slide cancelling (or usable slide cancelling) and not being able to jump around like an idiot mid battle to increase your chances of winning.
I had hoped for a stamina system but this is hopefully better than current MW / Warzone
Just played some Ground War, I like the concept of it pretty much just like Conquest that Battlefield offers.

Although wasn't a great experience, Once the enemy team had captured all the way up to our main spawn base it was pretty much spawn kill, Then people are just camping everywhere on the roof tops making it very hard to move about, Had this one guy who had twitch in his name who seemed to know where you were all the time which was a bit iffy.

Also if you manage to snag a tank, You are golden..i got 20 kills just driving around in the tank picking people off, They're OP.

If it was a Free to play game (when the beta is over) ,Sure its okay. But for the price they're asking. No.

Il give BR a try when its eventually open but honestly, I don't have high hopes for this game :D
At 40 years old i realise my reactions are not what they used to be. Quite like the game, im just very average at it.
I'm 44 and jump between different games all the time. I can still join a cod game and finish at or near the top lol. It's easy once you get into a rhythm.
The only reason this is fun to play to me is its slower and dare I say slightly more tactical and skill based. Not run around at warp speed slide killing and jumping about like its bloody quake. No wonder all the kiddos are raging about it.
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