Everyone knew it was coming, people bought MW knowing it would eventually drop. It was an expectancy rather than a hope, we were right.
They were always going to copy Blackout.
It's hardly weird. I play the game still but MP has got stale. Considering the game cost £50 odd via digital it's not a surprise that people paying that shouldn't be a bit miffed that BR then becomes free. As I said, when it was released it was pretty strongly rumoured that a BR mode would be released.
Let's just hope it doesn't become a kid riddled mess like Fortnite can be.
Christ the new came is absolutely terrible. Got a Refund after about 3 Hours from MS, even they didn't argue with it.
Sat?. I bought the game on the back of the free stuff, but more and more I played it got worse.
Might mothball this game for a while - the last patch or so, I feel like the game has gone back to it's roots; those roots being high paced run and gun play
I loved the apparent new direction the game took at release, with the BF series feeling dead in the water, MW seemed to have picked up the 'hardcore' mantle - and despite the cries of "omg campers", the HC mode of the game made to play tactically; whilst the normal mode still allowed you to play like old COD games.
Sadly though, it seems that HC games are now dominated by one shot kill pistols - these things are like ******* laser beams at times! I've been shot almost the length of Petrograd by a guy with a pistol laying down, to to mention that when sliding and jumping around like ***** these weapons still seem to hit their targets. Aim down sight has also become irrelevant, just stack mods that boost hip fire, and sprint to fire, and you'll be raking the kills in.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being hammered - I am still finishing in reasonably good places at times, bottom at others mind, and occasionally top - but it just feels like the whole game has taken a slide back into mediocrity for me
Laser beams as in, the pistols seem to fire dead flat and pinpoint, at least with an AR or SMG in HC, you still have to fight the muzzel drift. But hey, it's a personal observation - you (and many others no doubt) might not see it.
There must be something changed though, as so many people favour pistols in HC now...
Think a load of people have been using HC to level the new pistol, the 3 round burst is the last unlock and it's useful as a 2nd weapon for warzone load out.
I know I've just maxed it myself over the last couple of days.
Personally I'm really struggling with no normal trios in WZ and I have no one in my friends list still playing so it's randoms who just run off anway.
I also really prefer the likes of Shoot house in HC, the 1 million window maps do my head in after a short while.
So yeah I'm struggling with it myself but for different reasons I think.
What are you playing on as I can't find ye.
Give try give you an add, I'm usually on for a couple hours week night and sometimes during the day on a weekend. I have a 2yr old so it depends.
I had a game of 15 assists and 1 kill haha. It was just constant hit markers. It feels like added lag sometimes.
This game needs a hc groundwar for maximum carnage.
Another ridiculous size update, really don't understand how this game is so big.
On the plus sides you can now enter the bunkers in warzone with the access card which drops from legendary boxes!
Anyone else really struggling since season 4 came out? It could be a coincidence but I was playing pretty well before and now am playing awful, almost feels like they changed skill based match making to put me in with better people than before, or something else changed.
Starting to get frustrated with Warzone!
Is it just me - or in the prematch - I can't down anyone - even though I am shooting them - and in bR seems very difficult to kill?
I was under the impression it would be cold war themed.. could be wrong.