Camoe the scammer is pwnd?

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MilkyBK if you're going to make crap image macros every five seconds, do yourself a favour and make sure you can spell the intended victim's username right, use a font people can read, and learn how to work "your" and "you're".

Had to vent before I exploded with rage. Ta.
MilkyBK if you're going to make crap image macros every five seconds, do yourself a favour and make sure you can spell the intended victim's username right, use a font people can read, and learn how to work "your" and "you're".

Had to vent before I exploded with rage. Ta.

But he's on our side so leave him alone. :)

Gibbo - Camoe
:eek: I see what you're talking about

What has been seen!... :eek:
MilkyBK if you're going to make crap image macros every five seconds, do yourself a favour and make sure you can spell the intended victim's username right, use a font people can read, and learn how to work "your" and "you're".

Had to vent before I exploded with rage. Ta.

Fire up the hookah. :p
Thread delivers!! Love it.

Read through so fast I didn't catch if you established of was his or not...... look at the "self portrait" in the About section.

I'd spot that face a mile off.

Sorry, I missed that earlier in the thread. Yes, it's definitely him. (1) the photo (wearing the multi-coloured hat while using the camera) is a pic on Scamoe's Facebook. (2) The email address on the site above is the same one Scamoe used to communicate with me before going AFK.

LOL @ the "pro" website with a hotmail contact address btw.
haha, remember posting in his thread moaning about being contacted and his legendary "im not a shop" response, laid him into telling he was a scammer and should pay up or watch his back.

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