Can a vegan diet make me strong. Let's find out.

because seriously, who pronounces mistakes as mastaks?

icecold - He's dropped to 100kg now and he's got a nice teardrop coming on his quads. I've been watching videos of me squatting over and over and over. I'm starting to notice mistakes now and breaking the technique down. Do you have a video squatting 230kg, that is insane, twice the weight I can do.

I've made a job of keeping my knees out not sure about my back though.
What do you mean rip isn't a great coach? He's trained a lot of successful lifters and seems to know his stuff. Just taking his advice I've increased my bench loads.

Delvis - Did you fix that back angle with your chest? Looks like your chest needs to be out more. The 2011 video has no hip drive it's a very different movement I see.

mrthingyx - Thanks for that long post, some great advice there. I think I've made some progress on the squats but I'm not sure as I'm no expert. Butt wink is still there but no where nears as bad.

Got some sexy new stats, I've absolutely smashed my deadlift PR.

Squat - 100kg
Trying to get my hip drive in gear, and still some mobility issues that I'm working on.

Bench - 75kg
Still room for more but I'm going slow on this as it's always been my weakest lift.

Deadlift - 130kg x 5 and 145 x 1 (previous best was 107kg)
So much fun, it's my favorite lift. First ever time I out lifted my friend. I manged to pull 140kg and Dave was getting angry because he couldn't do it, I manged to pull 130kg six times and he give it a go and got to three reps but he struggled muahaha, though he had better form. Then we upped it to 140kg got one rep each. So we needed more weight. Took it to 145kg and we both couldn't lift it off the floor. Grip strength failed us, the bar was already rolling out at 140kg. So he used mixed grip and managed to get it half way off the floor. It was a complete ego lift but it was fun so I used a mixed grip too and pulled it off the floor so we are both even at the moment. I'm never using mixed again though as I don't want a torn bicep.

Next week we are gonna use chalk and I've been practicing grip strength with 50kg plates.

OHP - 42kg (I dropped the weight when I realized I have been doing push presses and not a strict OHP.)
Rows - Stopped doing rows for now because our form is terrible, we ended up laughing too much at ourselves to even continue so did pull ups instead.

Easy as pie baby, keep the weights on rolling.

New body weight 199lb / 14.2 stone. I never thought I'd way this much already so great progress all around. Forearms are smashed from dead lifts though, who needs wrist curls. Also starting a yogu class next week to improve my flexibility.

Had a stir fry for dinner with every vegetable under the sun and coconut oil, tofu, brown rice, and sprouted soya beans. I'm sprouting all my legumes and beans to get the most nutrition out of them. Also taking a cucumber, coconut, celery and cilantro smoothie after gym, worth every sip after deadlifts. Taking a lemon blaster for pre-workout. Also bulking up on almond butter and bananas, two bags of cherries, celery. I'm sooo weak and hungry right now gotta get some KF Seeeee baby.
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Can't even begin to decide which part to quote. You don't do yourself any favours.

Good luck with your ego lifting, lemon blasting, untorn bicep gains of never.

Inb4 opeth calls me a troll.
Ditch the grip training it really is not much use at all, chalk will definitely help. Tearing a bicep with mixed grip is rare. If it feels comfortable introduce it in your later warmup sets and carry on with your working sets.
Alternatively if you really want to avoid it you should consider hook grip. The least favored alternative would be straps. They are great for you achieving the lift, but don't really help wih your grip strength.

Get some bed vids posted for more form advice, glad the enthusiasm is still there.
Okay I'll ditch it. I'm still not doing mixed grip, seen too much. Not keen on hook grip either, if I can't lift heavier because of grip then that's my body telling me the weight is too heavy. Not keen on straps either I'll just keep the weight low and try and squeeze the bar as hard as I can with chalk.

Cheers Slya I'll post one up later, yeah still got tons of motivation in me, just gotta ignore the negative vibes from some people.
What do you mean rip isn't a great coach? He's trained a lot of successful lifters and seems to know his stuff.

I manged to pull 140kg and Dave was getting angry because he couldn't do it

I'm never using mixed again though as I don't want a torn bicep.

I've been practicing grip strength with 50kg plates.

Easy as pie baby, keep the weights on rolling

Forearms are smashed from dead lifts though, who needs wrist curls.



So you agree rip isn't a great coach?
You can hear him in the video saying "how the **** you doing that" it's funny because he's stronger than me and this was the first time I pushed him instead of him pushing me.
Celery is good, try it with peanut butter.
I'd like to see the videos of your deadlift. That's a very strong lift and i'd very much like to see how you performed it to help improve my own liftings.
Yeah he's out of shape but he's a great teacher.

Skillmister - Dave deleted the video of me lifting it, or never recorded it but I'll get another video. I'm being 100% honest, the camera was full and he went mad deleting videos, I've got him doing 140 and me doing 130 though. Your lifts are also much better performed, I can't help you improve anything my form isn't great but I'm working on it.
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icecold - He's dropped to 100kg now and he's got a nice teardrop coming on his quads. I've been watching videos of me squatting over and over and over. I'm starting to notice mistakes now and breaking the technique down. Do you have a video squatting 230kg, that is insane, twice the weight I can do.

I've made a job of keeping my knees out not sure about my back though.
What do you mean rip isn't a great coach? He's trained a lot of successful lifters and seems to know his stuff. Just taking his advice I've increased my bench loads.
Why isn't your friend doing 60kg squats?

How do you know where your mistakes are?

There was a video on the youtube channel that me and my brother used, but he managed to delete most of our recent uploads. Rest assured that it was definitely real, seen by a lot on here in fact.

Also, lol. Rippetoe isn't a great coach and hasn't trained many successful athletes. He is internet famous, nobody in the real world of coaching pays him any attention at all (in fact I'd bet that many don't even know who he is).
Ahh the old, oops the evidence disappeared excuse

As opposed to your "yeah, I used to lift but haven't been able to recently so bought some Dumbells off a mate" excuse? Classy. ;) :D

Nate: good practise for lifting from the floor is to use hook grip. You will severely restrict yourself if you choose to not use either hook grip, straps, chalk or (dare I say it) mixed grip, because you will probably top out around 170kg.

Are you going to restrict your growth because you can't hold the bar? If yes, then that's dumb. I know this, because I was exactly the same once upon a time. I then learnt to hook grip... And still can't lift for toffee. :D

On a slightly more serious note, there is no way I could clean or snatch without hook grip as the bar would go flying. There is no way I could practise the snatch at slightly lower weights for reps without straps or chalk because my hands would fall to pieces... For what? Because my forearms weren't strong enough to hold the bar in a situation I would never see in a 1RM attempt?

Learn to hook grip. It is not difficult, even if it does feel uncomfortable for the first few days. I bet when you first started lifting, you felt uncomfortable for the first few days, too. ;)
icecold - I don't think he wants to drop it that light, I've been doing 60kg but upping it in the last two sets to actually get a workout. I believe you about the squat I just wanted to see the beast. Seems there is rip lovers and rip haters, some say starting strength is a waste of time. Screw it I'm just going to do what ever works for my own body.

mrthingyx - Okay I'll try hook grip. I'm surprised; I thought you guys would be against it considering you could injure your thumb right? I'm guessing you don't favor mixed grip either, I don't see the point in risking a bicep tear.

I wasn't going to use hookgrip because I wanted to get natural grip, but if that's not possible than hook grip it is. I guess the guys lifting over 250kg on youtube are using hook grips.

Pain is a signal that the body is injured or in the process of being injured; it is not a signal that the body is undergoing some type of "adaptation".

A permanently numb thumb has been reported by some who use the hook grip for deadlift habitually for years. This has been attributed to the damage done to the nerves in the thumb and it is said that having a numb thumb is an advantageous adaptation so that the lifter cannot feel the pain caused by the hook grip. Only idiots would make such statements which brings us to another problem which is very relevant to this discussion of grips.

This was from this article It's pretty long but it has some good points against the hook grip.

What do you think to this? I need more convincing to use hook grip, what is the max weight someone can lift with a regular grip and chalk?

Got a video here but I just wanna see if I'm seeing some mistakes. The deadlift only shows four reps, I got six reps but Dave turned the camera off too soon. :mad:

I noticed I still need to turn my feet in with squats but I've been trying to push back with the hips and drive up the bar from my hips (this is riptoe advice). The deadlift I seem to pull it up with a rounded lower back, have I dropped my hips? Also I'm pulling the load up with my back first, I noticed Daves hips raise first then his back which keeps it straight. Also my shoulders look too far forward over the bar.
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Nate: I am on the verge of plunging my face through my iPad, but I will try not to for this reply...

Just because one, two, three or even four articles on the Internet say there are risks associated with something, doesn't mean that:

A) those risks will materialise or
B) the world will disappear into a rip in space-time caused by black hole caused by the LHC.

Hook grip is used by all the top weightlifters and all the rest down to even the pretty bad ones (like me). Yes, there is a risk you can damage the nerves, but in the same way that you risk herniating one of your discs in your spine because your deadlift technique is bad. In fact, your risk of injury is probably worse by a very, very long way.

Torn bicep tendons can occur with mixed grip, but again, this is very unlikely if you train wisely. It is not as if your bicep will suddenly launch itself off your shoulder or whatever the second you swap one hand over. I don't mix my grip because I am a weightlifter: ever see anybody clean or snatch with a mixed grip? No? There is a reason for that.

Weightlifting, powerlifting, even bodybuilding carries risks: heart attacks, aneurysm, stroke, torn soft tissue, broken bones, etc. Does that stop you? Me? Anybody on this forum? No... Because we are careful, because we train WELL and sensibly as opposed to dumb and hard.

This is why we ask you for videos of your lifts: not for bragging rights, but to make sure you aren't about to do something really stupid that will either temporarily or permanently injure yourself.

Please, for your own sake: THINK about what you're reading...
Squats were better, but knees out. More. Lots more.

Chest up, brace your back, and push with your hips.

And those deadlifts were... Not great. No core bracing, no hip drive...

Look at your set up: your back is bent right from the off. This sets the tone for the ret of the lift.

Learn to brace your core: planks, barbell roll-outs, body saws,etc.
mrthingyx - LOL, don't hurt me :(

You can't blame me though with the amount of misinfomation out there, it's hard to know what's real and what's BS. I googled bicep tear mixed grip and that scared me from people owns experiences.

Okay but you wouldn't use a bad deadlift technique if you could help it. I mean I don't have to use the hook grip technique. I know Olympic lifters use it because mixed grip is impossible but has anyone done those lifts with a regular grip, is it possible to have a grip that strong?

Lol that's what I'm scared of, my bicep suddenly launching off it's tendons, is that because elbows aren't locked out? I don't want to rely on my form to prevent that even if it's perfect.

Nope those other risks don't stop me because I'm trying to prevent them by training smart like you say, and I think not using mixed grip is a smart move too. I'll give the hook grip a go and see how it goes.

I really don't want to injure myself, lifting is the best thing I ever chose to do. I'm keep away from any sort of max lift (except deadlift on Wednesday it was just too much fun but I quit once the bar only got half way). Actually I should probably stop doing heavy deads because I realized my back rounds like crazy.

mrthingyx -

That's good I thought they was going to be worse :D Do you mean keep my knees out to the sides? Do they start to move inward on the way up/down or something?
Ah I wasn't thinking of chest, I'll remember this tomorrow, so many things to remember!
That's another thing I always forget, to tighten my core during lifts, hip drive with deadlift??
Yeah your'e right my back is bent from the start but why? Is it because I didn't tighten my core or my hips are too low? I was remembering chest up for that lift. I'll try some barbell rollouts, that's awesome we don't have a wheel so I can do these now. How about leg raises?
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