Can a vegan diet make me strong. Let's find out.

mrthingyx - LOL, don't hurt me :(

You can't blame me though with the amount of misinfomation out there, it's hard to know what's real and what's BS. I googled bicep tear mixed grip and that scared me from people owns experiences.

Okay but you wouldn't use a bad deadlift technique if you could help it. I mean I don't have to use the hook grip technique. I know Olympic lifters use it because mixed grip is impossible but has anyone done those lifts with a regular grip, is it possible to have a grip that strong?

Lol that's what I'm scared of, my bicep suddenly launching off it's tendons, is that because elbows aren't locked out? I don't want to rely on my form to prevent that even if it's perfect.

Nope those other risks don't stop me because I'm trying to prevent them by training smart like you say, and I think not using mixed grip is a smart move too. I'll give the hook grip a go and see how it goes.

I really don't want to injure myself, lifting is the best thing I ever chose to do. I'm keep away from any sort of max lift (except deadlift on Wednesday it was just too much fun but I quit once the bar only got half way). Actually I should probably stop doing heavy deads because I realized my back rounds like crazy.

No worries: I'm a tiny waife, anyway. :)

To respond to your post, try googling deadlifting injuries and see what comes up. ;)

Your mate is well on his way to tearing his bicep: the risk associated with mixed grip is where the underhand arm is not fully straight. Avoid this, and you'll be fine.

Olympic lifting without hook grip, of course it is possible. At decent weights? Not so much. I can use a normal grip (no hook or chalk) up to around 160kg on a deadlift before my grip starts going, and that is a slow lift. Try wrenching the bar off the floor for a snatching/clean, and I'd probably be limited to around 90kg at a push. I am guessing, because I have only ever tried 70kg, because anything else would be very dumb and painful as my tendons snap once the bar drops out of my.hands).
Skillmister - Oh yeah I pointed that out to him today, I **** myself when I saw that.
mrthingyx -

How are they getting injuries straight away from rounding their backs? My back was like a banana but I didn't feel any pain at all from it, I use to and sometimes I would get a few sharp clicks in my back when bending over the day after, nothing real painful. Am I just testing my luck?

The thing is though you could start with a straight arm but then it could begin to ever so slightly curl without knowing and then you have a blown bicep.

Yeah I meant at heavy weights, pulling the bar up would throw the barbell out the hands. I needed to use mixed grip at 145kg, couldn't even move the bar off the floor without mixed grip. So you have no choice but to use hookgrip, so nearly all Olympic lifters use this grip. It just seems so unnatural to bend crush the thumb but I guess lifting calls for it. 70kg is freakin heavy though Olympic lifting is so daunting I wouldn't even try it without a coach.
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RE: Rippetoe, I never said starting strength was bad. The routine is very basic and based on tried and tested stuff that other people came up with before him. The way he teaches tends to create fat broken athletes with terrible mechanics.

Have you watched the videos in the form thread and read what I've posted in there?

Your squats were worse, if anything. Knees valgus and ankles all over the place. Keep your turned out a maximum of 10 degrees and widen your stance slightly. You would know this stuff if you read the form thread. You absolutely can't have your feet and knees collapsing inwards. Not only does this set you up for injuries in those joints (particularly your knees), it's also terrible mechanics that will translate upstream to your hips and back.

Your mates squats were better and bordering on ok, although he needs to keep his knees out.

Both deadlifts are terrible and dangerous. Too heavy, again. Also again, all of your faults are covered in the form thread.

Now, onto pain and injuries...

Pain is a rubbish indicator of whether you are injuring yourself. Once you have pain, you are generally already ****ed. The types of injuries we're looking at here are accumulation injuries. You need to batter your body repeatedly with bad movement for it to snap. Think of bending a paperclip back and forth repeatedly until it snaps. There might be no sign what-so-ever that something is going wrong, but when it goes... PING!

As for "not knowing" about you being in bad positions and getting injured from it... This is why it's so important to be in a perfect position and the start and end of a movement.

So who should I listen to? How do I know these people are right in the squat/mobility videos.

I've been in the form thread dozens of times this week I just can't remember every little thing for all six exercises, I totally forgot about my feet having to be in by 10 degrees because I was thinking of chest up, knees out, hip drive, hold breath, take shoes off, engage lats. I'm sure I'll remember all of it soon next up is keeping my core tight and being active. Keep tension in my legs going down.

I don't get this
1) Easy to actually do, but will probably cause problems. Your knees need to travel radially out from midline, and if you're missing healthy range in your ankle the only place your shins (and therefore knees) can go is inside the plane set by your heal/big toe, collapsing the foot. In general, you should test this and see how your feet/ankles behave and ensure that, while your feet stay parallel and active and flat (in terms of weight distribution), your knees can go diagonally out at around 40 degrees as far forwards as the line of your big toe.

I have this collapsing foot problem but I'll try toeing my feet in and using a wider stance and working back through the videos. I guess it's too soon to post a video as I've got lots of work cut out, looks like I'll be stuck at 60kg for a month! Would all this fix itself naturally through practice.

Really dumb question but I gotta ask:

I can't believe the human body needs to learn so much to lift a weight. Animals don't have to read a book to how to jump. Is it possible for it all to come back naturally after time since we have inactive lifestyles. What if there is no "correct" way to squat and everyone has their own distinctive style and learning other peoples causes injury? I mean obviously you should do the basic form techniques. I'm 6'4" does that matter? I heard tall people have trouble dead-lifting, like Konstantinovs or is that BS and we're all the same?

Now you've said about long term damage I'm going to stop lifting heavy, that paper clip explanation was an eye opener. Do you coach ice?

Back to the form thread for me. Next video is going to be a huge improvement. I'm gonna work on my squats at home everyday. I'm starting to understand form now.

So who should I listen to? How do I know these people are right in the squat/mobility videos.

I've been in the form thread dozens of times this week I just can't remember every little thing for all six exercises,

Back to the form thread for me. Next video is going to be a huge improvement. I'm gonna work on my squats at home everyday. I'm starting to understand form now.

Generally people have just advised you not to listen to Riptoe, and also the stuff in the form thread was pulled together by Ice, but has had the view of many experienced lifters here, and they agree its good advice, so consider it good advice.

Stop trying to focus on all 6 (???) exercises at once. Work on the main 3, squat, deadlift, bench. The reason for using light weight is to give yourself the time to learn to do them right without putting your body back under strain it wont continue to hold up to.

Lastly, dont expect your form to be fixed from one session to the next, these things take time. You can make some big steps towards improving what you are doing, but perfecting it will take time, so be patient.

Key notes that cross over all the lifts really, brace core, brace back, hinge at the hip, feet neutral (or close).
Most people don't have a clue how their body should function and move. Decades of not using full range and functionality of the body leads to all kinds of dysfunction, imbalances and aids.
Celery is good, try it with peanut butter.

Trolling? ;)

I cringed when your mate bounced off his left leg on that last squat. Seriously though just continue posting in the form thread. I make a video everytime i train to see if im improving. All in all, why should i add more weight if its not going to benefit with having terrible form?

Also buy a smart phone so you can record your own vids? its 2013 fgs.
Most people don't have a clue how their body should function and move. Decades of not using full range and functionality of the body leads to all kinds of dysfunction, imbalances and aids.

Bad form leads to AIDS? im out! well not out "out" just out...of this thread, not the closet, because AIDS. No homo.
JoeF1 - No troll. Can't afford a smartphone, that's a luxury to me.

Have to quit gym until I'm back on my feet. I'm having to live at home until I find a job and a place. It's hell. Just been screamed at and had half my cupboard of food thrown at my door because I left a banana peel on the side (I was still using the kitchen) and I was cooking rice. I've had nothing much to eat for two days because I'm not allowed to use the kitchen for cooking. It was bad before but this is making me mentally ill and I just can't do it anymore. I hope I can get out of here, then I'll start again. Thanks for the advice guys.
If only it was pig skin, and not banana skin!!

You wouldn't get screamed at, you'd be thanked for delicious crackling.
Some new stats after I had to take a break due to a very rough patch of my life.

Then I went through another rough patch. Just come out of an eight year relationship. So yeah things aren't looking so great right now. I've lost weight with a low appetite. I couldn't even eat pizza.

Well I've mourned, cried and experienced all the feels. Time to move on and be a stronger version of myself, physically and mentally now.

I've dropped from 199lb to 170lb on a bad day. My weight is all over the place right now from 170-180. This isn't good for someone who's 6'4".

It's not all bad news though, my strength has remained.

Bench - 75KG
Squat - 80KG

Pro tip:

If you're struggling to get gaaaainz you gots to stop eating the vegan animals, no more cows. They are protein deficient from the grass! You gotta start eating dogs. Dogs are a complete protein cause dogs eat meat! Don't get too ahead of yourself though, make sure you eat dogs that eat dogs, if you eat dogs that have eaten sheep it's gonna be protein deficient cause the sheep's eaten grass! There's no protein in grass. Before you get too far ahead of yourself you gotta eat dog that's eaten dog that's eaten dog, or you won't get enough protein.

See this guy here?


He was a vegan with a protein deficiency, he didn't have anorexia. Not at all. He had a protein deficiency, be careful people. Extra whey protein powder definitely, just in case, just in case.
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Welcome back, and good luck! :)

Pro tip:

If you're struggling to get gaaaainz you gots to stop eating the vegan animals, no more cows. They are protein deficient from the grass! You gotta start eating dogs. Dogs are a complete protein cause dogs eat meat! Don't get too ahead of yourself though, make sure you eat dogs that eat dogs, if you eat dogs that have eaten sheep it's gonna be protein deficient cause the sheep's eaten grass! There's no protein in grass. Before you get too far ahead of yourself you gotta eat dog that's eaten dog that's eaten dog, or you won't get enough protein.

I do love your posts, Nate. :)

See this guy here?


He was a vegan with protein deficiency, he didn't have anorexia. Not at all. He had protein deficiency, be careful people. Extra whey protein powder definitely, just in case, just in case.

A vegan with a protein deficiency... How novel. ;)

And isn't whey protein on the naughty list for you guys? If you are suggesting we need more brotein, I'll get mine from an animal, I am afraid to say... :confused:
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And isn't whey protein on the naughty list for you guys? If you are suggesting we need more brotein, I'll get mine from an animal, I am afraid to say... :confused:

Whey protein definitely should be off the menu for a vegan unless Nate is trying to be sarcastic.

I was at Vegfest over the weekend and they had Patrik Baboumian there, he seems to do alright on a vegan diet and apparently holds the record for heaviest yoke walk too. Although how much strength he has added since turning vegetarian/vegan and how much he had gained prior to that point I have no idea.
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