Can a vegan diet make me strong. Let's find out.

Welcome back.

I really wish you wouldnt put your weight in LBs all the time but then your gym weights in KGs. Cant you do it all i KGs im fed up of googling? I wish i didnt feel anything when i have 100kg on my back :p

Did you take this photo?

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OpethLover or PH46607 - Thanks man! I've changed my bodyweight to KG, my scales only read in pounds so I got sick of converting every time I weigh myself. Haha nah 100kg is heavy to me, sorry I meant 60 feels like nothing is on my back. I'm sticking to 90kg and working up from there.

I'm not going anywhere again this time. Time to get serious, I'll be spending a lot more money on food now I have a job!

I'm at 82KG body weight today. I've almost reached my first goal. Ultra set me the goal of bench pressing my own body weight in 12 months. Is this just one rep? I can lift 90kg for one rep. I'm at 77.5kg right now for five reps. So not far off in only five months!

90kg 5x5
77.5kg 5x5 PB
60kg 5x5

I remember before June I was stuck on 50kg bench for so long. I thought I'd give it a try today to see how far I've come. Holy **** it didn't even feel like anything was on the bar! I was just throwing it up and catching it. This stronglift routine really works.

Haha yeah that photo isn't mine, I'm getting a smart phone soon so I can take some original photos. I'll show you guys my double layer chocolate cake cheat meal ;)
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Well today's session majorly sucked. I don't think I like working out at 7:30 a.m. My hips were in pain for some reason, couldn't even squat with a light load.

Squat 0kg 0x0
OHP 47.5kg PB
Deadlift 105kg.

Deadlift sucked too, I couldn't even lift 130. I used to be able to rep that six times. Oh well at least my appetite is coming back.
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