Can a vegan diet make me strong. Let's find out.


So who should I listen to? How do I know these people are right in the squat/mobility videos.

I've been in the form thread dozens of times this week I just can't remember every little thing for all six exercises, I totally forgot about my feet having to be in by 10 degrees because I was thinking of chest up, knees out, hip drive, hold breath, take shoes off, engage lats. I'm sure I'll remember all of it soon next up is keeping my core tight and being active. Keep tension in my legs going down.

I don't get this
1) Easy to actually do, but will probably cause problems. Your knees need to travel radially out from midline, and if you're missing healthy range in your ankle the only place your shins (and therefore knees) can go is inside the plane set by your heal/big toe, collapsing the foot. In general, you should test this and see how your feet/ankles behave and ensure that, while your feet stay parallel and active and flat (in terms of weight distribution), your knees can go diagonally out at around 40 degrees as far forwards as the line of your big toe.

I have this collapsing foot problem but I'll try toeing my feet in and using a wider stance and working back through the videos. I guess it's too soon to post a video as I've got lots of work cut out, looks like I'll be stuck at 60kg for a month! Would all this fix itself naturally through practice.

Really dumb question but I gotta ask:

I can't believe the human body needs to learn so much to lift a weight. Animals don't have to read a book to how to jump. Is it possible for it all to come back naturally after time since we have inactive lifestyles. What if there is no "correct" way to squat and everyone has their own distinctive style and learning other peoples causes injury? I mean obviously you should do the basic form techniques. I'm 6'4" does that matter? I heard tall people have trouble dead-lifting, like Konstantinovs or is that BS and we're all the same?

Now you've said about long term damage I'm going to stop lifting heavy, that paper clip explanation was an eye opener. Do you coach ice?

Back to the form thread for me. Next video is going to be a huge improvement. I'm gonna work on my squats at home everyday. I'm starting to understand form now.
JoeF1 - No troll. Can't afford a smartphone, that's a luxury to me.

Have to quit gym until I'm back on my feet. I'm having to live at home until I find a job and a place. It's hell. Just been screamed at and had half my cupboard of food thrown at my door because I left a banana peel on the side (I was still using the kitchen) and I was cooking rice. I've had nothing much to eat for two days because I'm not allowed to use the kitchen for cooking. It was bad before but this is making me mentally ill and I just can't do it anymore. I hope I can get out of here, then I'll start again. Thanks for the advice guys.
Some new stats after I had to take a break due to a very rough patch of my life.

Then I went through another rough patch. Just come out of an eight year relationship. So yeah things aren't looking so great right now. I've lost weight with a low appetite. I couldn't even eat pizza.

Well I've mourned, cried and experienced all the feels. Time to move on and be a stronger version of myself, physically and mentally now.

I've dropped from 199lb to 170lb on a bad day. My weight is all over the place right now from 170-180. This isn't good for someone who's 6'4".

It's not all bad news though, my strength has remained.

Bench - 75KG
Squat - 80KG

Pro tip:

If you're struggling to get gaaaainz you gots to stop eating the vegan animals, no more cows. They are protein deficient from the grass! You gotta start eating dogs. Dogs are a complete protein cause dogs eat meat! Don't get too ahead of yourself though, make sure you eat dogs that eat dogs, if you eat dogs that have eaten sheep it's gonna be protein deficient cause the sheep's eaten grass! There's no protein in grass. Before you get too far ahead of yourself you gotta eat dog that's eaten dog that's eaten dog, or you won't get enough protein.

See this guy here?


He was a vegan with a protein deficiency, he didn't have anorexia. Not at all. He had a protein deficiency, be careful people. Extra whey protein powder definitely, just in case, just in case.
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Hahahaha! I missed you guys too. Wish I could have gone to vegfest, I wanted to meet my friend on the hunt saboteurs stall. Something for next year.


80kg x 5
90kg x 5
90kg x 5
100kg x 5
100kg x 5


45kg x 5
45kg x 5
45kg x 5
45kg x 5
45kg x 5


105kg x 5

This is one place I get my protein apart from the small amount in vegetables and fruit.


Had this earlier for a post workout meal with popadoms. I threw in some soya chunks that I found the other day. I just bought them when I saw they are loaded with 55 grams of protein. That makes a meal of over 100 grams of protein with the brown rice and chick peas (39g). Plus a hemp shake takes it to 130. I've got a cup of sprouted adzuki beans too for a snack so another 40 grams.

All cholestrol free, low-fat and highly nutritious.

Breakfast tomorrow is scrambled tofu on toast. I wish I was huge already so someone might actually be interested in what I eat lol.
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Yeah my cholestrol is good, it's going up. My doctor said it's unhealthy but they don't know anything, cholesterol is good for you because your brains mostly cholesterol and fat. So if you eat more cholestrol you get smarter, you get sharp. If you go to the doctors and your cholestrol test comes back high, it means you're getting smarter. It's the same as the IQ test, if your cholestrol comes back high it means your IQ is going up because your brains getting bigger. High cholesterol, high IQ. There's a correlation there. It's brain expansion from the cholestrol and the healthy saturated fats.

Haha I hadn't squatted a while, kept it at 80KG. I added more weight today as 80 was too light, didn't feel like anything was on my back.
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OpethLover or PH46607 - Thanks man! I've changed my bodyweight to KG, my scales only read in pounds so I got sick of converting every time I weigh myself. Haha nah 100kg is heavy to me, sorry I meant 60 feels like nothing is on my back. I'm sticking to 90kg and working up from there.

I'm not going anywhere again this time. Time to get serious, I'll be spending a lot more money on food now I have a job!

I'm at 82KG body weight today. I've almost reached my first goal. Ultra set me the goal of bench pressing my own body weight in 12 months. Is this just one rep? I can lift 90kg for one rep. I'm at 77.5kg right now for five reps. So not far off in only five months!

90kg 5x5
77.5kg 5x5 PB
60kg 5x5

I remember before June I was stuck on 50kg bench for so long. I thought I'd give it a try today to see how far I've come. Holy **** it didn't even feel like anything was on the bar! I was just throwing it up and catching it. This stronglift routine really works.

Haha yeah that photo isn't mine, I'm getting a smart phone soon so I can take some original photos. I'll show you guys my double layer chocolate cake cheat meal ;)
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Well today's session majorly sucked. I don't think I like working out at 7:30 a.m. My hips were in pain for some reason, couldn't even squat with a light load.

Squat 0kg 0x0
OHP 47.5kg PB
Deadlift 105kg.

Deadlift sucked too, I couldn't even lift 130. I used to be able to rep that six times. Oh well at least my appetite is coming back.
Another sucky day for me. No squats until I sort out my mobilizations.
Running on five hours sleep sucks. Gonna have a nap and go back later.

Squat - 0kg 0x0
Bench Press - 75kg 5x5
Rows - 60kg 5x5

Spent £12 on bananas today, couldn't stop laughing when I overheard the cashier saying "how much did that guy just spend on bananas!?"
Lulz junk food? Full natty brah!

Well being tall I need more calories so I'm looking to add around 40 bananas every day to up my calories. That's 4800 calories pimped. I just can't stop burning more calories than I eat.

I've got a 2KG bucket of peanut butter too for dipping bananas in, this is 100% natty organic stuff so it's not as thick as storebought but it's better for dipping.

Currently at 83kg.
Of course he's lying, it's Nate, he does that. I'm sure eating that many bananas a day is going to end up in an overload of potassium, which would bring on all kinds of body problems. The guy is full on BS'ing these forums and I don't know why anyone bothers to entertain him. I mean christ, no one called him out on the benching stats? Gone from struggling to bench 50kg in June, to "throwing up and catching" almost 80kg, when he has barely been lifting and his diet is laughable?

Don't know why anyone bothers reading this pure work of fiction, guy is a fantasist.

LOL I get that question A LOT.

Here's the funny thing if you look up on Google the lethal dose of potassium, they use potassium chloride intravenously for the injection. So orally I'd have to consume 2500mg of potassium chloride to get the lethal effect. So for me, 83KG we're talking 207g of potassium.

the average large banana has about 400mg of potassium. I would have to eat around 500 of these bananas in ONE hit, just one mouthful. 500 bananas... In one go, it has to be one go or overtime your kidneys excrete the excess potassium. So I'd have to get 500 bananas, blend em up, that's like 7 gallons of banana smoothie. I'd have to consume that in under 30 seconds to get a potassium overdose!

My PB is 62 bananas in one day. I don't know anyone else that eats that many in one day so I'd be dead right? Everyone would be dead who eats a lot of bananas lol

So you've eaten nearly 9lbs of bananas in one go?
Physically impossible.

Yep but not in one go, over the course of the day. I usually have six for breakfast and 20-30 in a smoothie. This was just for fun to see how many I could physically eat, I blended 40 of them up for a smoothie, drank it straight out the jug.

MoNkeE - Only person lying here is you, I wrote 50kg euro training! 80kg is my PB.
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I'm making a 20 banana smoothie today. It's about a 7lb meal. About 600-700 carbs, <10g fat.

About 500ml of fresh water.
Protip if you're using tap water leave it out for a few hours or overnight in a bottle and the chlorine evaporates from the water.

The secret is I like to slowly enjoy my smoothies so I'll have it on my desk, I don't guzzle it down. Maybe drink it over 20-30 minutes. No need to rush.
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