Can anyone review this letter of complaint for me?

7 Mar 2007
Exacerbation of a pre-existing injury does not go well for the opposing party.

Your right, it doesn't, but a simple review of your medical records will also vastly reduce your entitlement to compensation. It will also have a severe impact as a credible witness which the opposing insurance company will have a field day taking apart.

In my professional capacity I will be putting this thread on an IFIG alert when I return to my office tomorrow so that all potential insurers (including the one likely to have the misfortune of reviewing your claim) will be aware of. This would give them a really good insight into your background and also your state of mind.

I have made a copy of this thread just incase it mysteriously disappears before anyone has the opportunity to review it.

It bothers me that people go to such lengths to try and exaggerate their claims. As for the privately paid MRI Scan, if it hasn't been recommended by a medical professional and agreed by the defendant's insurers it isn't a guarantee that it will be reimbursed.

Oh, and physio's appointed to deal with claimant's following a RTA aren't always paid out 100% because everyone knows that insurance claims cover the bill and a physio isn't going to tell an allegedly injured person that they will make a full recovery after 6 sessions, especially when to them it is simple money.

I just hope that the file handler who comes across your claim is made aware of the IFIG alert and does some digging rather than try and pay it off.
12 Mar 2004
I haven't exaggerated any claim, I had severe pain as a result of a car accident which has been documented by medical professionals and will be having a scan on the recommendation of a professional to assess potential injuries so i can go back to my normal activities. Health > money anyday. It's a shame you have such malice against those who suffer genuine injuries where the other party has admitted liability.

[TW]Fox;22561743 said:
I still dont get why you don't trust your GP?

In what respect?
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7 Mar 2007
I haven't exaggerated any claim, I had severe pain as a result of a car accident which has been documented by medical professionals and will be having a scan on the recommendation of a professional to assess potential injuries so i can go back to my normal activities. Health > money anyday. It's a shame you have such malice against those who suffer genuine injuries where the other party has admitted liability.

I have no issues with those that have genuine issues, but clearly from reviewing your thread it is your plan to go OTT with what you have suffered. Given that you have already sought to complain against a medical professional who is giving you advice because it doesn't suit you.

I'd hazard a guess that your insurance claim will result in you getting a GP report (if any mention is made about your pre-existing by your solicitor I would be surprised). No medical records will be reviewed at this time. The dodgy medical expert selected by your solicitor will provide a lengthly prognosis based on what you tell them. This prognosis will pass and you will still complain of pain. All is looking good - then your medical records will be reviewed with an updated report by an Orthopaedic Consultant who will give you a longer prognosis.

By this time if the insurance handler is clued up, alarm bells will ring, you will be called in for a 3rd examination, this time by the defendant insurers (and you cannot decline it - it will only look bad). They will pick holes in your oral testimony, dig deep into your medical history, including your lack of faith in your GP and your I know best attitude and give a less than favourable prognosis, which will then require your own medical experts to backtrack somewhat to save themselves from having their medical integrity questioned.

Even better, the defending insurers will pick up on this tomorrow and save your solicitors from a lot of back tracking later down the line.
12 Mar 2004
I am not going OTT, the physio is being paid for by the car insurance company and so I have no major medical costs to claim for. Nor am I complaining about advice given. And I am seeing a mutually agreed independent medical doctor for assessment. Your assumptions are outstanding.
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7 Mar 2007
I am not going OTT, the physio is being paid for by the car insurance company and so I have no major medical costs to claim for. Nor am I complaining about advice given. And I am seeing a mutually agreed independent medical doctor for assessment. Your assumptions are outstanding.

The same insurance company that once they see your medical records wont cover the full cost, this will then fall back on you. The expert wont be mutually agreed either, they will be appointed by your chosen solicitor, who will get a nice kick back from it.

Under MOJ rules for PI claims the defending insurer wont have a say in who your solicitor sends you to see at this stage, it is once it is finally disclosed that they will have a chance to make a decision.

If your fortunate you might get a solicitor who doesnt receive a kick back from the medical agency, (but since referral fees are shortly to be stopped it would be unlikely) and then the expert might give a prognosis that spells out the fall facts of your medical background from the off.
8 Apr 2009
In my professional capacity I will be putting this thread on an IFIG alert when I return to my office tomorrow so that all potential insurers (including the one likely to have the misfortune of reviewing your claim) will be aware of. This would give them a really good insight into your background and also your state of mind

That's a bit tight. I don't totally agree with the OP but I really don't agree with what you are potentially going to do. If the processes are correct then they will find the right outcome. If the processes are not correct then they should be amended. The OP came here in good faith and in the main has been given good advise with people questioning his motives. Maybe you could give him advise within your area of expertise and leave it at that tonight with no action tomorrow, eh?
12 Mar 2004
The insurance company are fully appraised of my medical history and I have liaised with them regarding costs, they said there will be no charges for the physio treatment, but may be charges for the MRI depending on the results and medical recommendations, however as I said earlier I am willing to pay the full cost of imaging to ensure the best medical treatment and the prevention of further injury. Honestly it seems like a childish and most unprofessional attempt on your part to try to get me as little compensation as possible based on your frustrations of being having to pay out compensation claims after your clients injure someone.
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7 Mar 2007
That's a bit tight. I don't totally agree with the OP but I really don't agree with what you are potentially going to do. If the processes are correct then they will find the right outcome. If the processes are not correct then they should be amended. The OP came here in good faith and in the main has been given good advise with people questioning his motives. Maybe you could give him advise within your area of expertise and leave it at that tonight with no action tomorrow, eh?

I could, but it would be unprofessional of me to not supply information that could potentially have an impact on the correct outcome of a claim.

There are ways that the OP could have gone about dealing with his request for assistance without disclosing the insurance claim aspect. An exaggerated claim is fraud at the end of the day, and in my professional capacity it is my responsibility to ensure that all parties involved are aware of that.

As a disclaimer I am not stating that the OP is intending to commit fraud, but should his claim go through and all the relevant facts aren't disclosed then that is exactly what will be happening.
8 Apr 2009
I could, but it would be unprofessional of me to not supply information that could potentially have an impact on the correct outcome of a claim.

There are ways that the OP could have gone about dealing with his request for assistance without disclosing the insurance claim aspect. An exaggerated claim is fraud at the end of the day, and in my professional capacity it is my responsibility to ensure that all parties involved are aware of that.

As a disclaimer I am not stating that the OP is intending to commit fraud, but should his claim go through and all the relevant facts aren't disclosed then that is exactly what will be happening.

It would be unprofessional of you to flag hearsay on an internet forum that may prejudice a deserved claim that may or may not be related to this case. You have no way of verifying who the OP is in this regard without supplied information from OcUK. To then apply this information coincidentally is not professional. In fact it smacks of the opposite. Again if your systems are good enough the right result will occur.
2 May 2003
Hypochondriac. Drama Queen. Compensation chaser. Take the minimum pain relief, not the maximum.

Apologies for brevity, I have had a broken humerus since first of May, and last Thursday I had 5 hours of surgery, and am now on Tramadol and Paracetemol, which does the job okay. Wanna see some pictures of the 12 inch incision in my arm and shoulder, or the bruising in my hip where the bone was chiselled out to graft in my arm?

Stop being a victim .
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12 Mar 2004
Hypochondriac. Drama Queen. Compensation chaser. Take the minimum pain relief, not the maximum.

Apologies for brevity, I have had a broken humerus since first of May, and last Thursday I had 5 hours of surgery, and am now on Tramadol and Paracetemol, which does the job okay. Wanna see some pictures of the 12 inch incision in my arm and shoulder, or the bruising in my hip where the bone was chiselled out to graft in my arm?

Stop being a victim .

I don't think the word hypochondriac means what you think it means...

As for pain relief I will take the necessary amount for the pain I am in, I do not ascribe to a masochistic, macho philosophy. And considering the maximum pain relief would be something like an epidural with about a dozen other drugs I don't think I was asking for anywhere near the maximum.

It would be unprofessional of you to flag hearsay on an internet forum that may prejudice a deserved claim that may or may not be related to this case. You have no way of verifying who the OP is in this regard without supplied information from OcUK. To then apply this information coincidentally is not professional. In fact it smacks of the opposite. Again if your systems are good enough the right result will occur.

Agreed, I find it hard to believe he is a professional in the field when he acts in such a manner, to put out an alert for insurance fraud because of a complaint about a medical issue on an internet forum of all places, is not in any way professional conduct and I will take legal action if such false allegations of insurance fraud are made against me. He just sounds like someone who likes to cause trouble.
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2 May 2003
Okay then. Your letter is a massive cry for help. You are depressed because of your underlying sense of inadequacy, and your knowledge of pharmacology is a symptom of your hypochondria. You desire a magic medicine that will 'cure' you of your feelings of inadequacy. When your GP cannot give you this, you blame them, not yourself.

Most of your whiplash pain is between your ears. The rest is a your pre-existing fictious condition which has required you to self medicate in the past.

I strongly recommend you address the underlying issues you have. Were you bullied or abused as a child? Do you feel that the world hates you?

Address the core problems and you may become a fuctional person in time.
30 Jul 2006
... In my professional capacity I will be putting this thread on an IFIG alert when I return to my office tomorrow so that all potential insurers (including the one likely to have the misfortune of reviewing your claim) will be aware of. This would give them a really good insight into your background and also your state of mind.
I just hope that the file handler who comes across your claim is made aware of the IFIG alert and does some digging rather than try and pay it off.
It's difficult to judge which party I have least sympathy for, the ***** trying to rip off the insurance company or the insurance company which will as usual be trying to find any loophole it can use to avoid paying out - frankly you are both as bad as each other.

I just wish my car insurance didn't rocket every year :(
12 Mar 2004
I think I'll take what the psychiatric consultant, cbt therapist, GP, A&E doctor, and physiotherapists have said over your pseudo-psychology. Thanks anyway. ;)
24 Jul 2006
Hoddesdon, London, UK
I don't think the word hypochondriac means what you think it means...

As for pain relief I will take the necessary amount for the pain I am in, I do not ascribe to a masochistic, macho philosophy. And considering the maximum pain relief would be something like an epidural with about a dozen other drugs I don't think I was asking for anywhere near the maximum.

You do realise that if the first post after your OP had agreed with your position that more than likely 90% of the following ones would as well? You were doomed from the first reply as it set the bandwagons tune :)
30 Jun 2007
I think I'll take what the psychiatric consultant, cbt therapist, GP, A&E doctor, and physiotherapists have said over your pseudo-psychology. Thanks anyway. ;)

Are these people who have diagnosed you with an anxiety disorder aware of the fact you've been using a drug that causes anxiety for a very long time?

Cause you know they might consider that a factor.
12 Mar 2004
I was diagnosed long before I even knew of such drugs, had the disorder since I was teenager.

You do realise that if the first post after your OP had agreed with your position that more than likely 90% of the following ones would as well? You were doomed from the first reply as it set the bandwagons tune :)

You're probably right. :)
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