Can i have a parents view on this?

When I finished Uni and lived back at my parents, they refused to accept any rent from me. Instead they requested that I saved money each month.

As has been said previously, it depends on the parent and the situation too. I'm sure if I had treated the place like rented accomodation then I would have had to pay.
When I was 16 and at college full time I was paying £50 per week rent. I worked at Sainsbury's on Saturday and Sunday to cover this. So... I gave my parents £200 per month, only earned around £350 per month and was in full time education.

He earns a full time wage, is not in full time education and doesn't contribute at all? I must have had pretty harsh parents. :(
how can you lot says its not his business and not his, if he is living there and its his step bro ofc it has a bit to do with him
My parents would expect a token amount of rent if I was working and not in education. But they would probably also help me out financially if I was in a position to move out, so really by paying them rent it would just be a forced saving towards a place of my own. I think it's quite a good approach because it wouldn't feel like you're getting a free ride but it also encourages you to move out because you'd get the money back. Of course I'm sure I'll hate it when I'm in that situation but that's not for about another 4 years.

I think this is roughly what they're doing for my brother. He works full time, lives away during the week but lives at home on the weekend.
I'm of the opinion that you should never really charge your immediate famliy for anything you can afford to do for free, as long as it's not an exceptional cost.

Therefore, if you're living at home at the age of 22 and your parents don't need you to pay rent, then that's fine and if I were to live at home when I graduate I know that's how it'd be. This works two ways though, and means that when my parents were older I'd expect to take care of them and help them out.

Case in point being now my gran lives with my parents, and my parents have treated my other grandparents to a new Tv when theirs broke a few years back and they couldn't afford one. We've also taken them on holiday with us.

In otherwords, what goes around comes around and any half decent kid should pay his parents back with their generousity once financially independant and on their own two feet.

However, if at the age of 22 your parents cannot afford for you to live there without paying rent then it's their house and I guess you have little choice but to pay them or move out.

In the case of the opening poser, it sounds like this hasn't been discussed in full and that the parents need to sit down with his older brother and tell them they need/want the cash.

A lot of problems can be sorted just by having a chat over dinner!!
D18241 said:
how can you lot says its not his business and not his, if he is living there and its his step bro ofc it has a bit to do with him

No its doesnt. Financial arrangements are between the parents and the brother. None of the OP's business.
My parents have always said if your in education then no rent, if your working part/full time then rent will be paid, in respect to what you earn.

so if i only earnt £100 a week they might ask for 15

if i earnt say £350 a week they might ask between £30-40.

But as im still at rent :) (although im onyl tehre 2 days a week while i go home to work)
Nothing wrong with living at home at that age. However, being in FT employment he should really be making some sort of contribution.
If your folks are cool with it, than so be it. Otherwise they should sit him down and make an arrangement with him. He may not like it, but there's not a lot he can do about it.

You on the other hand, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'd suggest you keep yourself to yourself - its not really your business, and you won't want him blaming you if he ends up being made to pay up. Its between him and your folks, they should all be sensible and mature enough to work something out between themselves.
He should atleast be grateful for no rent/food costs etc, and offer to do some housework or somthing to compensate him not paying rent
Matblack said:
I think you are overlooking the crux of the matter.

Are your parents bothered? Its their house, their rules, if they don't mind then what business is it of yours?

If you want to pay rent then good on you, it sounds like you are conciencious and caring individual with high moral standards which is rare these days. But don't dictate whether you brother is in the wrong because he does not conform to your ideals.


Exactly what Matblack says.

If your parents aren't worried, neither should you be.
If you want to pay money, great, but do it for you and leave the judgemental stuff for others.
naffa said:
my 23 year old step brother is still living at home. hes just completed a degree in Graphic Design (somehow) and is now saving up to go traveling. hes currently employed in Tool Station full time starting at 7:30 and finishing at 5:00. he works every week and some saturdays. but heres my problem, hes paying no rent what so ever, he doesnt pay for any of his own food.. not even toothpaste :o i was just wondering what other people thought about this?
im 15 and later on this year when i finish school and become 16, im going to get a job and pay my mum rent every month or just some money to put into the house.. she doesnt expect me to but i want to. he doesnt do anything around the house at all, all he does is moan about everything and complain :o

if you were in the same situation, would you think he should be paying rent? and if so how much?

thanks for your input

imo he should pay at least some house keep especially if he is working. I was alwayds told unless im Studying ill have to pay my way
If your brother has just finished a degree he's probably got about 15K in debt. Ever consider your parents might be helping him out a tiny bit?
Nix said:
If your brother has just finished a degree he's probably got about 15K in debt. Ever consider your parents might be helping him out a tiny bit?
hes employed full time. he blatently has money to throw away so wouldnt it be nice for him to give something back? or wouldnt it..
GordyR said:
When I was 16 and at college full time I was paying £50 per week rent. I worked at Sainsbury's on Saturday and Sunday to cover this. So... I gave my parents £200 per month, only earned around £350 per month and was in full time education.

He earns a full time wage, is not in full time education and doesn't contribute at all? I must have had pretty harsh parents. :(

Yeah i'm lumped with ye'ole £200 a month agreement atm! Its still better than me moving out and getting a flat though (just :p). But i'm in full time trying to save for uni too, bring home about £900 a month, i'm finding it increadibly hard to save :(.
Hmm, what goes around, comes around.

I'll be welcome in my house for as long as I want, without paying any rent.

But in the distance future, when my parents begin to get older, their wellbeing and comfort will be MY personal responsibility, and it will be ME who will fund anything they need. Thats how some families work :)
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