Can you cook?

I worked at Asda for three days once. My first customer query was a lady asking for powdered mash. Now call me sheltered but I vommed in mouth and suggested she go to the fresh veg aisle.


Don't be hating on the Smash - there was like 3 years I depended on that stuff :s
I would say a 7 or 8, sort of dependent on what ingredients I'm dealing with; I've had no formal training but would love to do some 'basic' cookery courses to learn the fundamentals of different sauces, pastries, knife skills, etc.

I think I'm quite good at naturally knowing what ingredients and spices pair well together and I love making things up, like curries, but I'd have to follow a recipe pretty closely for something where different elements are prepared separately or some kind of pastry or casing is involved.

I hate baking because it needs to be too accurate.
Probably 6-7. I grew up in a French / Mediterranean family and was taught to cook from a very young age. I know the majority of the basic sauces, reductions and safe combinations, how to season and how to use herbs and spices.

That said I can't do "haute cuisine" standard and make the food look pretty. But I do good flavours and generally tasty food. My kids eat everything I cook (as does my wife and the rest of my family) so that's good enough for me!
I’m around a 5-6. I like cooking, I don’t like buying lots of ingredients which I end up using once. I can make 90% of things if I have a recipe to follow and the techniques are adequately explained! :)
Don't be hating on the Smash - there was like 3 years I depended on that stuff :s
I actually prefer ready prepared mash to fresh. I hate lumps with a passion and the factories just have a much better way of mashing to get a lovely thick but smooth mash.

And who really wants to be peeling, chopping, boiling and mashing spuds after a long day at work?
I put myself at a 4. 5 on a good day. I can follow a recipe. I don't have a very good sense of taste, so getting things exactly right is impossible for me.

Use a ricer.
I dont see the point when I can just peel back a lid, stick it in the micro and get lovely mash in 3 mins.
Depends the type of food.

Baking? I probably count myself a 3 at best.
Sunday Roast? Can probably do as well as a pub.
Ramen? Better than Wagamama by miles but short of a real Japanese ramen shop also by miles. That’s more of how bad Wagamama is rather than how good I am. It’s a very low bar.
Burgers? Other people would give me a 10 but I’ll say 8.

As for restaurant quality, depends what kind. Michelin star I am not, not even an average French bistro…overall I’ll say 6 at best.

there is this series on YouTube where 3 levels of cooks cook the same thing. A beginner, a competent home cook and a professional.

Most people who think they can cook probably at the beginner level in this series, there is a big gap to home cook and just as large to professional.
I’m about a 7 when I can be bothered

When I can’t it’s a 1 as sticking frozen fish fingers and chips in the oven isn’t really haute cuisine.
A 6. I’d be confident in making something tasty but IMO higher than that needs some proper knowledge of fundamentals (ie making classic sauces from scratch, pastry making etc). I’d need to follow instructions.

No professional chef, but id say 50% of places I go out to eat I could do a better job myself.

Then I don't tend to go to fancy places.....

But then they are technically professionals.....
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