Can you crack it? - GCHQ

Hey guys, I've not had much time to crack this, as I'm at work, but being an asm coder I can tell you this is an x86 machine code program, so I'll let you guys take it from there :)

I've managed to disassemble it:
[0x00000000] jmp near 0x00000006

[0x00000006] sub esp, 0x75c1fe0c
[0x0000000c] stc
[0x0000000d] xor eax, eax
[0x0000000f] mov edx, 0x8cac1d0
[0x00000014] mov bl, [esp+ecx]
[0x00000017] mov bh, dh
[0x00000019] shl dword [ebp-0x18], 0xe9
[0x0000001d] pop esp
[0x0000001e] add [eax], al
[0x00000020] add [eax+ebx2+0x3d], bl
[0x00000024] inc ecx
[0x00000025] inc ecx
[0x00000026] inc ecx
[0x00000027] inc ecx
[0x00000028] jnz 0x00000065

[0x0000002a] pop edx
[0x0000002b] mov ecx, edx
[0x0000002d] mov esi, esp
[0x0000002f] mov ecx, edx
[0x00000031] mov edi, ebx
[0x00000033] sub edi, ecx
[0x00000035] xor eax, eax
[0x00000037] xor [edx+0x348a0614], ecx
[0x0000003d] push ds
[0x0000003e] mov [edx+ecx4], dh
[0x00000041] sbb al, 0x16
[0x00000043] mov dl, [edi]
[0x00000045] xor dl, bl
[0x00000047] mov al, bl
[0x00000049] inc al
[0x0000004b] int 0x80

[0x0000004d] nop
[0x0000004e] nop

[0x0000004f] call 0x00000154

[0x00000054] xor ecx, ecx
[0x00000056] mov [edi+ebp8], cl
[0x00000059] mov esi, 0x402dead
[0x0000005e] or al, 0x0
[0x00000060] cmp al, 0x4
[0x00000062] mov [esp+eax], bl
[0x00000065] mov [esp+ecx], bh
[0x00000068] add [ecx+0x4c381e3], cl
[0x0000006e] add [eax], al
[0x00000070] jnz 0x000000b5

[0x00000072] pop eax
[0x00000073] cmp eax, 0x42424242
[0x00000078] fild qword [ecx]
[0x0000007a] iretd

But I'm at work so I'll leave the rest to you :)

It's using Steganography.
i used ASCII DEC then decoded it but Im now having trouble decoding last part except i am interested in them keywords CRYPT - SALT and yes i tryed them on the website

Don't get hung up on those, have a read about cryptographic hashing and salting.
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