Canadian Grand Prix 2012, Montréal - Race 7/20

I imagine if Ferrari had told Alonso he had to go to a photo shoot instead of testing the Ferrari that clearly needed development he would have told them to shove their PR up their ****.

Alonso wouldn't need to use harsh language. He is the daddy and if he wants to goto the test, then he WILL go.

At McLaren, they tell their employees (drivers) what to do.
At Ferrari, Alonso tells his team what he is going to do. He has basically slotted into the same role that MSc occupied 10 years ago. He'll pretty much have the final say.

My own personal take on the "missing the test" saga, is that if my competition is attending a test, I am going to be there, too. The idea is for the competition to understand that you, the driver, will not allow them to gain any advantage (ie. extra testing time). I think Vettel went to a Pirelli test during the Winter. He got extra testing time and was shown around the factory. Some drivers chose to miss this out. I could not understand why any competitive driver would want to miss this opportunity. If it were me, I'd have gone and done everything to find out what characteristics Pirelli intend to introduce for their 2012 tyres. If I managed to get information, I'd feed this back to my team. The idea is to gain any advantage (no matter how small), over your competition.

Personally, I believe that missing the test made no scientific difference. HOWEVER, it could have made a psychological difference to the driver.

It doesnt really matter though. Button's problems are not related to missing 1 or 2 tests. There is something else, that is going on - something which Button and his team do not understand.
Damn straight.
I am a huge supporter of DRS.
I remember the days of the procession - in fact we had one at Monaco 3 weeks ago and some people didnt like it. DRS has virtually eradicated processional racing and thats what I like.

eradicating real racing aswell....

DRS wtih all the cars having the same top speed would work though but still be artificial, atleast it would look fairly exciting and not stupidly easy.

you gain an acceleration advantage which should only allow you to end on a level pegging and it would still take balls.

i'd imagine you would see a lot more racing similar to schumacher and hamilton at monza if that were the case
Mclaren wanted to compare their simulator to the car, so it did make sense that the test drivers who spend a lot of time on them could do the comparison running.

However if Button had this issue earlier, then of course it would have made sense for him to do setup work during the test.
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