Canadian Grand Prix 2013, Montréal - Race 7/19

It's weird in years gone by and when I was growing up, it was always quite pro English driver V the rest arguments. Now on here it's the JB V Lewis comments over and over. Little sly digs at Lewis from pro Button fans and vice versa.

I could understand it if both were going head to head for anything, but they are pretty much irrelevant in the title race.

All that is needed is a balanced argument;):o:D
Lol never saw that.

Lewis is a bit moody at times he is real hard work. Even as big fan I wish he would lighten up for the cameras.

Think he will do it today
Accuweather - 21% rain upto 2pm when goes to 7%
TheWeatherNetwork - <1mm rain - 10% rain
The Weatcher Channel - 50% rain - Rain not likely
Wunderground - 50% rain, chance of thunderstorms :eek:

I think it will be dry, or not enough to need inters.
it wont rain.

doesnt look anywhere near as bad as yesterday from what we can see on sky.

they were in coats yesterday, looks a lot warmer today.
Yay for dry

This bit on bbc now is pretty cool. Wish I could have seen races back then. What has f1 become :-\ kind of depressing!

And I forget her name but this woman should be main presenter
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