Canadian Grand Prix 2015, Montréal - Race 7/19

Another engine dead for Mclaren, or a mgu-h/mgu-k, something. Useless car, team screwed this up so badly this year. GOing to hurt them next year as well. I will never know why they didn't plan to give Honda a full 2.5-3 year development cycle and just use Merc engine for another year if not two.

Ron Dennis' stupid pride, that's what. As soon as Mercedes became a full team, McLaren were relegated to a customer for engines and Ron couldn't bear that.
What the hell is going on there?

Ah, ok. Grosjean made a complete arse of overtaking the Manor.

Grosjean: He hit me! He hit me!

Altogether now..... Oh no he didn't!
No doubt Grosjean will be on the radio banging on about slow cars getting in his opposed to him driving like a douche

edit: and there you go!!
Hahaha Stevens sound so common! I don't mean that in a horrible way I'd sound even worse it's just unusual to hear as F1 is normally full of people like max chilton and their backgrounds
Ron Dennis' stupid pride, that's what. As soon as Mercedes became a full team, McLaren were relegated to a customer for engines and Ron couldn't bear that.

I can understand it, though I don't agree with his stance that a customer team can't win. I think a customer has maybe a bigger disadvantage in the first year of new engines, after that not so much. The engine won't change much in dimensions tbh, first year might be more surprises vs works team, second year, nah.

The issue is why not simply make the change having given a new manufacturer time to develop an engine, why the rush? THey'd be 10 places further up the grid this year in Merc rather than Honda engines and Honda would have better engines next year having had a year to develop and not lock the engine in as they've now done.

Becoming a works team is okay, doing it they way they've done it is beyond retarded.
Wtf is going on with the mercs.

Nothing, miles ahead of everyone, going faster than other teams means using more fuel and working brakes harder. They are 30 seconds ahead of Bottas. All cars are pretty much managing fuel and brakes, we're only hearing about the front two more as it's deemed a more important battle to hear something about. Nothing different to this race than frankly every other race as yet.

Hamilton always does this, let the gap close, heat up the car behind, give yourself some room at the end of a race for some more fuel. Don't burn up fuel and get a 5-10 second gap then get a safety car and have less fuel than the guys behind at the end. Same all last year, all this year.
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