Canadian Grand Prix 2015, Montréal - Race 7/19

I sense your frustration that DM's analysis is pretty accurate.

He seemed to miss the point, I wasn't butt hurt. The people trying to suggest Hamilton's behaviour of telling his team not to talk to him in corners was unique and poor behaviour didn't rile me in the slightest.
I was merely pointing out how daft the people who attack Hamilton over such messages to his team are being, making such claims over their hatred of Hamilton, not reason or facts. It's those guys who are clearly butthurt by Hamilton being successful who feel the need to criticise completely normal things he does, I don't need to be butthurt to call those people out on it.

Anyway, Ferrari did use new engines, or at least in the FP1 pdf from the FIA Ferrari and Manor took new engines for FP1. I'm not 100% sure that it means they used them or merely opened them, so it's possible they opened up the new engines for the weekend but didn't run them. However those pdf's have been completely accurate over new parts used so far in each session this season.

Williams/Lotus/Mercedes took entirely new engines except for Hamilton who had already used a second CE and stuck with the one he had. SO all those cars are on part 2 for everything.

Ferrari/Manor took a new ICE and TC so we can presume the token changes were definitely in those areas. Manor also took MGU-H/K's.

No new ICE for Honda, they took a new TC and MGU-H which was rumoured to be what they used tokens on, Alonso also took his 4th CE.

Renault haven't taken anything, yet.

I do hope Ferrari's new upgrades have more to give but, it looks like Mercedes have made a two fold gain in their own power. Fixing something preventing them using top modes and not needing to last 6 races means they could easily have gained a lot more than any other team.

Honda's showing wasn't bad for Fp1 though. If it doesn't rain Alonso's longer run pace will be interesting.
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Hopefully also someone at Merc also bought a analogue stop watch so they know when to make a pit stop.
I agree with you there - knee-jerk accusations of brake-testing before you've looked into what happened are just silly.

By the way, was Maldonado's incident that similar to Verstappen? I thought Maldonado's Monaco ban came from him failing to slow for yellow flags and hitting a marshal. His dad then intervened and paid for the marshal's hospital and rehab bill to get the ban rescinded (if you believe the German paper Bild, which has had an 'interesting' relationship with the truth over the years).

Ah, I thought Maldonado was banned for the airborne crash. Talk about not looking into the facts. :D

The fact remains though (which is kind or what I was hinting at), that if Maldonado, Grosjean or Rosberg had been the one doing what Verstappen had did, this server would have burst into flames.
Ah, I thought Maldonado was banned for the airborne crash. Talk about not looking into the facts. :D

The fact remains though (which is kind or what I was hinting at), that if Maldonado, Grosjean or Rosberg had been the one doing what Verstappen had did, this server would have burst into flames.

To be honest, if Maldonado had done it no-one would have been shocked. If Rosberg had done it, you'd have had about three pages of hooting and cheering. If Massa had done it, the same. If Hamilton had done it, people would have been screaming "brake test!!!!111oneone" just like Verstappen did. It's just the way it goes.

I sense your frustration that DM's analysis is pretty accurate.

Why would any analysis by DM 'frustrate' me? Beyond him taking four times as many words as he ought to in getting his point across and posting blindingly obvious stuff as if it was penetrating and worthy insight, of course ;):p
Merc won't be doing that again in a hurry, sent Rosberg and Hamilton out on Inters and Hamiltons binned it into the tyres first proper lap!
Merc Mechanics crying at the extrication of Hamiltons car from the tyres then!! Just gave it some welly and smashed the back into the tractor lol!
Rofl at inters on a full wet tracK. have they got a rogue employee on the pitwall? Haha!
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