A man who has not been charged or convicted of any crime suddenly found he is being refused travel by airlines and he's not being given any reason why, most Liberals (capital L because they're liberals in name only) are obviously celebrating it because they dislike his opinions and couldn't care less about defending liberal values.
Does anyone here find this acceptable? for me it's the sort of thing you see in authoritarian countries where they put political dissidents under house arrest to physically censor their opinions and ideas. So in Joe Biden's America, you are not only not allowed to have non-conformist opinions on the internet but you're also not allowed to travel across the country to voice them either, unless you take a 2 week road trip (for now).
Where is the corporate media outrage? they spent 4 years calling Trump a dictator/fascist every other day but not even a squeak about this, could it be they're part of the problem?
So I’m on my way to a press conference to discuss how I’ve been banned from nearly all social media and tech services, and then I find out that I can’t even get there because I’ve been put on a no-fly list. This is overt political persecution. America is not a free country.
Make no mistake about it, I am being persecuted by the combined powers of the US federal government and its big business cronies. I have committed no crime yet I am censored, my bank account is frozen, and now I can’t even board a plane. All for having the wrong views.
Does anyone here find this acceptable? for me it's the sort of thing you see in authoritarian countries where they put political dissidents under house arrest to physically censor their opinions and ideas. So in Joe Biden's America, you are not only not allowed to have non-conformist opinions on the internet but you're also not allowed to travel across the country to voice them either, unless you take a 2 week road trip (for now).
Where is the corporate media outrage? they spent 4 years calling Trump a dictator/fascist every other day but not even a squeak about this, could it be they're part of the problem?