Candy shop so many choices

Scotti is quite right a suitable AMD 6 core rig can be had for up to £1000 with a highend GPU. Perfect for the next onslaught of triple A game titles.

Equipped with an OS brings it £100 over budget but bare in might the standard spec include a 120GB SSD.

And your i5 system with the 7950 and 120GB SSD and 1TB HDD with OS comes in cheaper than 1K and is the better system.
The FX6 system is overpriced, there's no other way of saying it.


It simply is just the better choice.

A suitable FX6300 system should be a fair chunk less, given there's like 90 pound difference between the FX6300 and i5 3570k.
But I have no agenda.
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I wish you'd stop consistently suggesting AMD builds that quite frankly aren't as good as other options.
I thought the idea here was to give the OP some suggestions and at the end, he/she decided on the best option after different specs were put forward?
Yes your Intel spec might have been better on this occassion and many other occasions but is the tone necessary? Anthony has a right to put his opinion over just like anyone else, if it wasn't the best, then no need to go over the top like you did, I would have been annoyed also.
I'm glad the OP got the best deal, which he would have done anyway without the comments made, because there are a lot of good people here to show some good deals.
I thought the idea here was to give the OP some suggestions and at the end, he/she decided on the best option after different specs were put forward?
Yes your Intel spec might have been better on this occassion and many other occasions but is the tone necessary? Anthony has a right to put his opinion over just like anyone else, if it wasn't the best, then no need to go over the top like you did, I would have been annoyed also.
I'm glad the OP got the best deal, which he would have done anyway without the comments made, because there are a lot of good people here to show some good deals.

Because he does it continuously due to vendor loyalty/favouritism, not because he's giving the advice that best suits the purpose.

It's not his money, nor mine to spend, we shouldn't bring up vendor loyalty as advice, because that's wrong, and he does that all the time.
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I thought the idea here was to give the OP some suggestions and at the end, he/she decided on the best option after different specs were put forward?
Yes your Intel spec might have been better on this occassion and many other occasions but is the tone necessary? Anthony has a right to put his opinion over just like anyone else, if it wasn't the best, then no need to go over the top like you did, I would have been annoyed also.
I'm glad the OP got the best deal, which he would have done anyway without the comments made, because there are a lot of good people here to show some good deals.

Antony made an idiot of himself, instead of just conceding that he was wrong on this one, and not getting mad at what he saw on the internet he decided to throw his toys out the pram and delete all the comments on his thread about his pc and the changes he made. He also insulted me when I was trying to give him ideas on better ways to show his system off on the forum. Not one person in his thread said that his pc was a wrong choice, everyone was commenting on how nice it was and yet he felt the need to ruin his own thread because one person disagreed with him. Good riddance I say.
Everyone! stop getting your jimmies rustled and get in topic: An AMD build will be better for this guy, It's a lot less money for him atm and ittl be pretty stable
Everyone! stop getting your jimmies rustled and get in topic: An AMD build will be better for this guy, It's a lot less money for him atm and ittl be pretty stable

Firstly, read the thread. He has already purchased.
Secondly, way to miss the point of the thread entirely.
Everyone! stop getting your jimmies rustled and get in topic: An AMD build will be better for this guy, It's a lot less money for him atm and ittl be pretty stable

But the AMD build wasn't cheaper, it was 100 pound more expensive.

But are you?
It always turns into an argument when you enter a thread.

No it doesn't.

Nothing I said was factually wrong in this thread, and I have no Intel/AMD bias, or else I'd be a pretty silly fanboy given I recommend both AMD and Intel rigs (Price point depending) so it's not like I'm coming into a thread with the intention of an argument, if people want to try and argue conjecture against facts, that's their problem.
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How do you manage to make an AMD based system more expensive than an Intel i5 based system? Wuttt?

Nice to see Martini giving some actually good advise, and coming out of Dormanstown too, that's unusual. Haha jk...
I generally spec AMD based system due to knowledge rather than brand loyalty, but It can be looked at that way.

If I spec AMD and someone can spec an Intel build of similar budget but better performance then I would try to improve that build with PSU, HDD, SSD etc.

I my earlier days I was rather blind in terms of AMD Vs Intel, but both are competitive, just Intel is faster but costs more, which is understandable.

May I suggest that anyone that specs only AMD/Intel not be frowned apon, as it is most likely due to experience. And yes, loyalty should be taken in to consideration especially when speccing for someone else. Why would I spec something I have had no experience with? It makes no sense.

If an OP asks specifically for a brand but you want to suggest something different then you have to back up your suggestion, not use loyalty here, but statistics and facts.

So to recap;

Loyalty should definitely be used when the OP just wants a PC for £X, but can be backed up by statistics.

Loyalty should not be used when the OP wants xBrand system for £X, statistics should be used.

TL;DR Stop arguments by doing some research. If the OP is open to any system then any experience you have can be helpful. If OP wants an AMD/Intel system and you want to suggest otherwise, use facts.

Also this is not directed to anyone in particular.
Because he does it continuously due to vendor loyalty/favouritism, not because he's giving the advice that best suits the purpose.

It's not his money, nor mine to spend, we shouldn't bring up vendor loyalty as advice, because that's wrong, and he does that all the time.

Jesus, I have just checked the posted replies...

Would have been nice to of seen his system though, being a fellow FX-8350 owner and all...

Martini, have you still got an FX-8350? Also what kind of cooling have you got on it? As I am struggling to get more than 4.4Ghz without temps going through the roof!
Never had an FX8350, I don't think it's worth the premium over the FX8320.
The FX8320 is pretty much my all time favourite price/performance CPU though, don't have one, but I'd love to do an FX8320 build, but everyone wants i5's =/.

Think I'm doing an FX6300 build soon though, at 83 quid it's another price/performance monster.
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