Candy shop so many choices

Never had an FX8350, I don't think it's worth the premium over the FX8320.
The FX8320 is pretty much my all time favourite price/performance CPU though, don't have one, but I'd love to do an FX8320 build, but everyone wants i5's =/.

Think I'm doing an FX6300 build soon though, at 83 quid it's another price/performance monster.

Well they say the 8320 and 8350 clock the same, but surely AMD Speed binned them. I bet an 8350 will run at the 8320 clock with much lower voltage, but I doubt the speed bin will come in to effect until you hit about 4.8Ghz, thats where I think the 8320's will struggle to keep stable.

So for 90% of users the 8320 is much better for money :)
My 1055T 95W TDP is one of the better stable conventional clockers I've ever seen of a Phenom II x6 CPU, it'd outclock a lot of 1100T's.

They both clock to about the same 4.8GHZ, but you'd probably struggle a little more with the FX8320.
I generally spec AMD based system due to knowledge rather than brand loyalty, but It can be looked at that way.

If I spec AMD and someone can spec an Intel build of similar budget but better performance then I would try to improve that build with PSU, HDD, SSD etc.

I my earlier days I was rather blind in terms of AMD Vs Intel, but both are competitive, just Intel is faster but costs more, which is understandable.

May I suggest that anyone that specs only AMD/Intel not be frowned apon, as it is most likely due to experience. And yes, loyalty should be taken in to consideration especially when speccing for someone else. Why would I spec something I have had no experience with? It makes no sense.

If an OP asks specifically for a brand but you want to suggest something different then you have to back up your suggestion, not use loyalty here, but statistics and facts.

So to recap;

Loyalty should definitely be used when the OP just wants a PC for £X, but can be backed up by statistics.

Loyalty should not be used when the OP wants xBrand system for £X, statistics should be used.

TL;DR Stop arguments by doing some research. If the OP is open to any system then any experience you have can be helpful. If OP wants an AMD/Intel system and you want to suggest otherwise, use facts.

Also this is not directed to anyone in particular.

I agree 100%, the specs I did a few weeks ago were frowned upon, half for the fact it was an AMD spec and half because I hadn't done many specs and even though the guy asked for a specific case, I added it and then got frowned upon by other guys because it 'wasn't the best case for him'
I don't claim to be a professional PC builder but there's nothing more annoying than someone trying to make you look like a complete noob.
Ok rant over the OP has chosen his PC spec and I hope he has fun with his new build.
I agree 100%, the specs I did a few weeks ago were frowned upon, half for the fact it was an AMD spec and half because I hadn't done many specs and even though the guy asked for a specific case, I added it and then got frowned upon by other guys because it 'wasn't the best case for him'
I don't claim to be a professional PC builder but there's nothing more annoying than someone trying to make you look like a complete noob.
Ok rant over the OP has chosen his PC spec and I hope he has fun with his new build.

The issue here has been that someone known for giving rubbish advise told someone to buy a worse PC that cost £100 more than another much better option.
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